i need to display the contents of a database(table) MS access db, on to the screen. how do i got abt it??? the data keeps changing dynamically...the program should be able to refresh it self

Create a JTable, create a custom TableModel for it, and have a Timer or whatever refresh that at regular intervals.

Tablemodel??? wat is that? do u have or know of any simple example that explains it?

Create a JTable, create a custom TableModel for it, and have a Timer or whatever refresh that at regular intervals.

Try to cut up your structure of your program in several little pieces and start with those one by one.

For example: You'll first need to make a connection to a database itself.
If your connection works, you can try to read out your data. (A datareader is recommended).
After this you can start building up your gui (there is quite a lot of documentation on this too, try the java swing components) and how you are going to refresh the data.

Baby steps, baby steps :p.

The making of a connection, reading it and the creation of the gui are well documented on the internet. I suggest that you try to make those step by step. If you have difficulties at any given moment with any given 'module', you can always ask for a specific problem.

I hope this helps a bit, good luck with your program.

thanks for the steps... but i know upto retrieving values from the db...how do i display it in a table? and with the varying number of records in how does the table rows increase or decrease?

Try to cut up your structure of your program in several little pieces and start with those one by one.

For example: You'll first need to make a connection to a database itself.
If your connection works, you can try to read out your data. (A datareader is recommended).
After this you can start building up your gui (there is quite a lot of documentation on this too, try the java swing components) and how you are going to refresh the data.

Baby steps, baby steps :p.

The making of a connection, reading it and the creation of the gui are well documented on the internet. I suggest that you try to make those step by step. If you have difficulties at any given moment with any given 'module', you can always ask for a specific problem.

I hope this helps a bit, good luck with your program.

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