How do I change the icon of the exe. in console mode? (as part of the exe itself) :?:
CodeBoy101 -2 Junior Poster in Training
Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster
CodeBoy101 commented: Very Helpful +1

msk88 0 Newbie Poster
CodeBoy101 -2 Junior Poster in Training
OmniX 21 Practically a Master Poster
Duoas 1,025 Postaholic Featured Poster
OmniX 21 Practically a Master Poster
Duoas 1,025 Postaholic Featured Poster
OmniX commented: One of the most helpful posts. Thankyou. +1
Ancient Dragon commented: Excellent :) Also works in VC++ 2008 Express +36
Comatose commented: Very Much On Point! +12
OmniX 21 Practically a Master Poster
kiwihaha 0 Light Poster
Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster
kiwihaha 0 Light Poster
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