Im writing a game of scissors paper rock and have come up with this so far, but i cant get it to work.
any idea's where ive gone wrong.
print \
a - Rock
b - Paper
c - Scissors
choice1 = raw_input("Choice: ")
if choice1 == 'a':
print 'You picked rock'
elif choice1 == 'b':
print 'You picked paper'
elif choice1 == 'c':
print 'You picked scissors'
computer = random.randrange(3)
if computer == 0:
print 'Computer rolled Rock'
elif computer == 1:
print 'Computer picked Paper'
elif computer == 2:
print 'Computer picked Scissors'
if player.upper() == 'a' and ai.upper() == 'c':
win += 1
print 'Rock crushes scissors...You WIN this round!'
elif player.upper() == 'c' and ai.upper() == 'b':
win += 1
print 'Scissors cuts paper... You wIN this round!'
elif player.upper() == 'b' and ai.upper() == 'a':
win += 1
print 'Paper wraps up that rock...You wIN this round!'
lose += 1
print 'YOU LOSE!!!'
win = 0
lose = 0
tie = 0
scores = {"player1":0, "computer":0}
if player1 won:
scores["player1"] += 1
elif computer won:
scores["computer"]+= 1
while scores > = 10:
print player, "Wins"
I cant get it to run past the enter your choice of a b or c for some reason.