To whoever is using the following code for timing code execution in C
Originally Posted by [B]vijayan121 [/B]

blah blah
      clock_t start, end;
      double cpu_time_used;
      start = clock();
       /* whatever */
       end = clock();
       cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;


if you are wondering why the time displayed is compiler specific instead of being processor specific the solution is here:
Applications should use sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) to determine the number of clock ticks per second as it may vary from system to system.
Courtesy great google and

Your post has two flaws:
1) it assume the user is running *nix operating system. That may, or may not be correct.

2) Your post is irrelevent because it has nothing at all to do with using the clock() function.

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