nnobakht 0 Light Poster

Hey guys, if im trying to parse a xsd file using the schema class how can i get the simpletype restrictions for a select attribute which i have already found.
so if its an enumeration type get the values, or if the patters in [a-zA-Z0-9] to get that.

public static ArrayList te = new ArrayList();

        public static ArrayList Parser1(String _selected, String _next)
            te = new ArrayList();
            XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();
            schemaSet.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallback);
            schemaSet.Add("http://www.example.com/B", "C:\\Users\\navid\\Desktop\\Validator\\XMLSchema3.xsd");
            XmlSchema xs = null;
            ArrayList aa = new ArrayList();
            foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemaSet.Schemas())
                xs = schema;
            foreach (XmlSchemaElement element in xs.Elements.Values)
                if (element.Name.ToString().CompareTo("BookingList") == 0)
                    aa = findRequired(_selected, _next, xs);
            return aa;

        static ArrayList findRequired(String _type, String _next, XmlSchema xss)

            foreach (XmlSchemaType type in xss.SchemaTypes.Values)
                if (type is XmlSchemaComplexType)
                    XmlSchemaComplexType test = (XmlSchemaComplexType)type;
                    if (type.Name.ToString().CompareTo(_type) == 0)

                        foreach (XmlSchemaAttribute att in test.Attributes)
                                MessageBox.Show(att.SchemaType.BaseXmlSchemaType.Datatype.ValueType.Name.ToString() + "     j");
                            catch (Exception ee) 

                        XmlSchemaSequence sequence = test.ContentTypeParticle as XmlSchemaSequence;

                        // Iterate over each XmlSchemaElement in the Items collection.
                            foreach (XmlSchemaElement childElement in sequence.Items)
                                if (childElement.Name.ToString().CompareTo(_next) != 0)
                                    findRequired(childElement.SchemaTypeName.Name.ToString(), _next, xss);

                        catch (Exception)
            return te;

        static void ValidationCallback(object sender, ValidationEventArgs args)
            if (args.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Warning)
                MessageBox.Show("WARNING: ");
            else if (args.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error)
                MessageBox.Show("ERROR: ");


This is the code i have so far.

The xsd looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<schema xmlns             ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
        targetNamespace   ="http://www.example.com/B"

  <element name ="BookingList" type="b:BookingList"/>

  <complexType name="BookingList">
      <element name="Booking" type="b:Booking" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

  <complexType name="Booking">
      <element name="BookedLineItem" type="b:BookedLineItem" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <attribute name="VoyageID" use="required" type="string" />
    <attribute name="BookingNumber" use="required" type="string"/>
    <attribute name="LoadPort" use="required" type="string"/>
    <attribute name="DischargePort" use="required" type="string"/>
  <complexType name="BookedLineItem">
      <element name="RegCargoClass" type="b:RegCargoClass" minOccurs="1" />
      <element name="Commodity" type="b:Commodity" minOccurs ="1" />
      <element name="AmountType" type="b:AmountType" minOccurs="1" />
    <attribute name="BookedLineItem" use="required"/>

  <complexType name ="RegCargoClass">
    <attribute name="Cargo" use="required">
        <restriction base="string">
          <enumeration value="Container"/>
          <enumeration value="Auto"/>
          <enumeration value="RoRo"/>
          <enumeration value="BreakBulk"/>
          <enumeration value="Equipment"/>

  <complexType name="AmountType">
    <attribute name="AmountType" use="required" >
        <restriction base="string">
          <pattern value="M|U"/>
    <attribute name="Quantity" use="required" type="integer"/>
    <attribute name="Mass" use="required" type="integer"/>
    <attribute name="Length" use="required" type="integer"/>
    <attribute name="Width" use ="required" type="integer"/>
    <attribute name="Height" use="required" type="integer"/>

  <complexType name="Commodity">
    <attribute name="CommodityCode" use="required" type="string"/>
    <attribute name="CommodityDescription" use="required" type="string"/>

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