chungaroo 0 Newbie Poster

hey, i'm in a high school computer science class and we're learning java..anyways, i've got this lab that i've been working on but i don't quite know how to proceed.

heres a scan of the lab sheet.

here's what i've done so far:

{public static void main (String [] args)
	{//create variables
	 EasyReader console = new EasyReader();
	 NumberFormat money = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
	 NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
	 String password, tutor_name;
	 int selection, code;
	 boolean selection1=true, selection2=false, selection3=false;
	 System.out.print("Enter the password to enter the system: "); 
	 password = console.readLine();
	 while(password.equals("GO GO GADGET!"))
	 	System.out.println ("SAT HELP BILLING");
	 	System.out.println ("     MENU");
	 	System.out.println ("[1] TUTOR'S INFORMATION");
	 	System.out.println ("[2] ENTER STUDENT'S INFORMATION");
	 	System.out.println ("[3] PRINT STUDENT'S RECEIPT");
	 	System.out.println ("[9] QUIT PROGRAM");
	 	System.out.print ("Please make a selection from the menu: ");
	 	selection = console.readInt();
	 	if (selection == 1 && selection2==false && selection3==false)
	 		{System.out.print("Please enter your name: ");
	 		 tutor_name = console.readLine();
	 		 System.out.print("Please enter your personal 4-digit code: ");
	 		 code = console.readInt();

am i going in the right direction? i know there's a policy about trying hard before asking for help and i hope it doesnt look like i'm asking for a quickfix, but just wanted some direction because i'm kinda lost. cool, thanks.