hi guys,

im having a problem with my homework regarding assembly, to be more precise, programming for the microchip pic16 series. heres the thing, im really a noob and i dont figure it out at all, i have this homework so please if someone knows to solve it or if someone can give me some help. i also need to ask you how can i assemble these codes? using winasm?

1. write a program which defines name V1 for the location 0x32, V2 for the location 0xB1, RES for the location 0x35. program substracts V2 from V1 if V1>V2 and stores the result in RES, else (if V1<=V2) is adds V2 TO V1 and stores and stores it into RES

2. Write a program which reads the date from the location 0x32 into register W, adds to it the value from the location 0x22 and 0x23 and stores the result into location 0x24

so, those are the problems so if someone is capable, please help me

thanks in forward, and sincere greetings

ps. data sheet can be found here :)

is it possible that no one knows how to solve this thing? :P

Or we simply don't care enough.

Basically, saying urgent, dumping your assignment and not putting forward any demonstration of what you've tried so far pretty much guarantees most people will go and find more worthy people to help first.

I'm only posting this because it's my last post of the night, and then I'm done.

> i also need to ask you how can i assemble these codes? using winasm?
If you were actually awake in any of your classes, your tutor would have told you which tools to use.

sorry then, its not urgent (though its urgent)

ill post it once again if somebody has desire and will to reply and hence help me a lot:

1. Write a program in assembly language for Microchip PIC16, which:
• defines symbolic name V1 for the location 0x32
• defines symbolic name V2 for the location 0xB1
• defines symbolic name RES for the location 0x35
• subtracts V2 from V1 if V1 is greater than V2, and stores the result into
• adds V2 to V1 if V1 is less or equal to V2, and stores the result into RES

2. Write a program in assembly language for Microchip PIC16, which:
• reads the data from location 0x32 into register W
• adds to it the value from location 0x22 and 0x23
• stores the result into location 0x24

and salem i do listen to my classes, the thing is that professor didnt mention this thing but he requires it from us, funny thing or not

Download MPLAB from Microchip's website. Then go over your course notes. If they're not good enough, google for a tutorial.

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