yni420 -3 Junior Poster in Training


This is my first post.
I have lately into the field of video.
I need to create a program in Visual Basic where the user can select the program and ad and duration for both and then see a preview of it.

I created a .asx file for the playlist.
I am using Windows Media Player for previewing.
I want the .asx file to play in the windows media player when a preview button is click

i tried the following.

windowsmediaplayer1.url ="location and name of asx file"
windowsmediaplayer1.currentmedia ="location and name of asx file"
windowsmediaplayer1.currentplaylist ="location and name of asx file"

none worked.
error shown - TYPE MISMATCH.

Is it not possible to run a .asx playlist file using VB?

Please help



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