XsavioR 0 Newbie Poster

Im 26 , i am teaching my self ASM.

Im making a custom midi interface.

Im using pic16f628a because i have 3 of em and a chip programmer here.

I understand a bunch compared to when i first began. But though i can reverse ultra simple lines of code im still getting caught up on the hex values , file locations , and registers to the point im unable to progress in my understanding of the language.

Ive played with basicstamps (shudders) , and i have a basic understanding of how the pic works. Ive even programmed a few chips already.

But i cant seem to grasp registers , file locations , and hex. Any tips learning aids i havent found, ways to explain it to me that i havent heard ?

Also I have decided i want to goto school for what im doing here. Any input what to go for to land up with a degree in "dreaming up an idea, breadboarding it, programming it, Laying out a pcb, and making it"

PS Just figured out why the addresses were getting me confused, the code im reversing is from a different chip :P
That being said a quick look at the datasheet and im Back on track.

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