Hello all.
I am working on a programming 2 lab and am unsure how to code the input and output for this assignment. Here is what the lab sheet says:
"Your program will be expected to read input from the first file specified on the command line and to write output to the second file specified on the command line. Your program should display an error message and exit immediately if the expected command-line parameters are not provided. Following is an example of how your program will be run from the command line:
$ ./main input.txt output.txt
Your program will continue reading and processing commands from the input file until the end of the file is reached. After processing each command, your program should write the result to the output file. All input and output should use C++ streams (>> and <<).
For this lab, strings may be stored in static-sized character arrays. You can assume that your program will not be tested with any strings longer than 100 characters, and all strings will be separated by whitespace. "
With this criteria i am unsure on how to write my main function. Any help would be appreciated.