I am new to C++ although I have done intermediate java programming. A couple of months ago I bought a book called The C++ Programming Language; Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup. I am beginning to think that was a mistake because it is a little over my head. I was wondering if anyone has used this book (maybe you could tell whether it is worth a beginners time to try and go through this 870 page monstrosity) and if there are any recommendations for books that might be easier to understand.

I used the bookProblem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++ 5th edition by Frank L Friedman and Elliot B Koffman (ISBN 0-321-45005-1) for my intro to C++ class. Be forewarned, however, this is an 876 page monstrosity lol.

It breaks down very nicely tho and explains all the basics of C++, tho it covers little, if anything at all, about classes, inheritance, polymorphism, etc etc - so if you're not sure of syntax or the way C++ works, this would be a good beginners book for C++ programmers. I aced my intro to c++ class with it.

>I was wondering if anyone has used this book
Yes, though you've discovered independently that it's not suited for beginners.

>any recommendations for books that might be easier to understand
Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo. This book is designed for beginners and covers roughly 90% of the language that you'll find yourself using regularly.

commented: Yeah! The C++ Programming language is totally a reference book and not a beginners tutorial @_@ +4

Google is your ally

if u want a book that will make you understand a lot about C++ even if ur a beginner than get learn to program C++ with john smiley. U wont regret it.

I am new to C++ although I have done intermediate java programming. A couple of months ago I bought a book called The C++ Programming Language; Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup. I am beginning to think that was a mistake because it is a little over my head. I was wondering if anyone has used this book (maybe you could tell whether it is worth a beginners time to try and go through this 870 page monstrosity) and if there are any recommendations for books that might be easier to understand.

Yes, it is a good book but not targeted at beginners. A book that I always keep on my shelf is "the C/C++ Programmer's Bible"...not sure what edition is out write now. It is huge, but breaks everything down into bite-size chunks with sample code; it is a both a good learning book (though you will skip over some material because it is not relevant, as well as a lot of the 'C' portion) and a great reference if you need to check on how to solve a particular problem or are dealing with unfamiliar code.

Thanks for all the help and suggestions. I will probably end up buying most of these books once somebody fixes the economy and the IRS.

>once somebody fixes the economy and the IRS
I wouldn't wait on that if you want to own any books in your lifetime.

I'd buy them quick before the paper they're made out of is worth more than gold.

I have a 10+ year old Accelerated C++ book covered in oil in the trunk of my car. Want it? :D

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