i've wrote a program with a header file and a cpp file. when i try to compile i am getting errors that i can't fix, (i'm just a beginner). Code Below:

the .H file

//Flexie Muirhead   #: 26075046
//Assignment #2

#include <iostream>//allows program to output data to the screen
using namespace std;

//searching class definition
class Searching
             //member funtions
             void insertionSort(int *list, int last);
             void hashSearching(int *list, int last);
             void sequentialSearch(int list[], int last);
             void binarySearch(int list[], int last);

//funtion sorts a list
void Searching::insertionSort(int *list, int last)
     int current;
     int hold;
     int walker;
     for (current = 1; current <= last; current++)
         for(walker = current -1; walker >= 0 && hold < list[walker]; walker--)
                    list[walker + 1 ] = list[walker];
         list[walker + 1] = hold;
}//end of funtion insertion sort

//searches a list using hash search
void Searching::hashSearching(int *list, int last)
    int hashList[last];
	int num;
    int address;
    //rearrange list by determine location with the modulo-division
    for(int x=0; x<10; x++)
            address = list[x]%last;
            hashList[address]= list[x];
    //accept target
    cout<<"Enter The Number You Want To Find: ";
	//finds loction by modulo-division method
	address = num%last;
	//check if location correct
	if (num == hashList[address])
		cout<<"Loaction Found!!! "<<endl;
		cout<<"Location Not Found!!! "<<endl;

//search list using sequential search    
void Searching::sequentialSearch(int *list, int last)
     int target;
     int flag=0;
     //accpet target
     cout<<"Enter The Number You Want To Find: ";
     //check to see if target is in list
     for(int cntr = 0; cntr < last; cntr++)
             if(list[cntr] == target)
             cout << "Target Found!!" << cntr << "."<< endl;
             flag += 1;
      //if flag has not be incrimented them location not found
      if(flag < 1)
             cout << "Target Not Found!!" << endl;
}//end of sequential search

//searches a lsit using binaery search
void Searching::binarySearch(int list[], int last)

          int target;
          int first = 0;
          int mid;
          //accept the target 
          cout << "Enter a target to be found: ";
          cin >> target;
          //loops until program reaches the end of the list
          while(first < last)
              mid = (first + last)/2;
              if(target > list[mid])
                    first = mid + 1;
              if(target < list[mid])
                    last = mid + 1;
                    first = last + 1;

          //check to see if location found
          if(target == list[mid])
            cout << "Target Found." << endl;
            cout << "Target Not Found." << endl; 
}//end of funtion binary search

the .CPP file

//Flexie Muirhead   #: 26075046
//Assignment #2

//include directives
#include <iostream>//allows program to output data to the screen
#include <iomanip>
#include "plpl.h"//include definition of class Search 

using namespace std;

//funtion prototype, menu
void menu(char *option);

//************INT MAIN*****************
int main()
    //array size. number of elements in the list
    const int arraySize = 10;
    //assign elements to list
    int array[arraySize] = {45, 67, 98, 12, 34, 53, 20, 01, 9, 56};
    //create an object of the class
    Search searchOption;
    char option;
    //call menu funtion
    //change opyion to caps
    option = toupper(option);
                  case 'A':
                       searchOption.sequentialSearch(array, arraySize);
                  case 'B':
                       searchOpyion.binarySearch(array, arraySize);
                  case 'C':
                       searchOption.hashSorting(array, arraySize);
                  case 'X':
                       cout<<"THANK YOU FOR USING THIS PROGRAM; SEE YOU NEXT TIME!\n\n";
                       cout<<"\tThis Prgram was Created by:\n\n"<<"\t\tFlexie Muirhead\n\n";
                          cout<< "Please Enter One of the Stated Options!"<<endl;	


//goto statment acts a loop to loop back to the star of the program
goto menuu;

return 0;	
}//end of main funtions  

//function header; this funtion accept option for the type of 
//search the user wants
void menu(char *option)
      cout<<"\n\t\tFlexie Muirhead Type Test Search Software\n";
      cout<<"\t\t\t"<<"MENU OPTIONS\n\n\n";
      cout<<"\t\t"<<"Press [A] For Sequential Searc Test\n";
      cout<<"\t\t"<<"Press [B] For Binary Search Test\n";
      cout<<"\t\t"<<"Press [C] For Hash Searche Tes\n";
      cout<<"\t\t"<<"Press [X] To Exit\n\n";
      cout<<"\t\t"<<"Select Option -->"<<endl;
     cout<<"Enter Option ";
}//end of menu funtion

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All 3 Replies

Can you please put your code with using the code tags.
Used without the spaces. [/ code ]

Also can you let us know what errors you are getting?[code= language ]
Used without the spaces.
[/ code ]

Also can you let us know what errors you are getting?

It has been completed, all errors has been resolve

ok, u solved your problem, but still there are some problems you should notice:

1. never put function definitions inside a header file, just the declarations. If you want to include that header in more compile units you will end up with a linker error because the compiler will generate the same code multiple times and the liker will not know what to link with.


class Bla { void nothing(); };

void Bla::nothing() {}; ----> THIS MUST BE PLACED IN A .CPP ( Bla.cpp )file if you want to include the header in multiple places.

2. if you have a class that has no data members(ie no state), why not make all functions static?
It makes no sense to have to instantiate an object that has no state, just to be able to call a function.
instead of
Bla obj();

or even worst
Bla obj = new Bla();
delete obj;

you can just

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