Could someone please help me with this? Why is yearofstart value not printed out in the first argument ? I knw there is something wrong, but I don't knw what is it :)
Thanks so much.

#include <stdio.h>

struct date{
int year;

struct record{
char *name;
char acct_type;
struct date yearofstart;

void adjust(struct record *ptr);
int main(){

printf("%s %c %d \n",,customer.acct_type,customer.yearofstart.year);


printf("%s %c %d \n",,customer.acct_type,customer.yearofstart.year);
return 0;

void adjust(struct record *ptr){


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The yearofstart member of struct customer variable does not bear a relation to struct yearofstart variable. You don't initialize this last (of struct date type) member of customer. It's a global variable so all its members initialized with 0.

could u please give me some more hints :(

It's because of the scope of yearofstart declared inside the struct record lies only within that structure. If you want your program to print 1950, do this:

struct record{
char *name;
char acct_type;
struct date yearofstart;

Or do this:

printf("%s %c %d \n",,customer.acct_type,yearofstart.year);

Thanks so much, now i got it.

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