markmcwiggins 0 Newbie Poster

My pointy-headed management told me to drop development of a wxPython app that was working 90% and go back to C++ with wxWidgets. I have it working functionally, but integrating with
the company's existing MFC code seemed easier to run this app
as a separate process using sockets to communicate.

BUT ... I can't get the socket-using thread to yield enough time (despite using wxThread::Yield, wxThread::Sleep, wxWakeUpIdle(),
and various combinations of these tricks) for the small GUI I want
to display to update! The window itself shows up blank until I break
the socket connection with the controlling program. At that point
it fills in.

I did look at the 'how to integrate MFC with wxWidgets' section in The Book but (erroneously?) thought this would be easier. Is there something obvious I'm missing? The MFC I'd have to integrate with it pretty crufty itself and I'm afraid I'd break something messing with it.

Thanks much for any suggestions whatsoever!