Hello everyone,

I have to learn vb and complete a project in another 2 months. I have no experience in vb. I have no idea which books to refer for learning. I need it from the very basics. I'll be glad if you all can suggest some books or any website which you think is good for vb beginners. Thank you.

SAMS Teach Yourself VB in 24hrs is OK

hi, if u need exact requirement. discribe ur project. is ur project, database project or some other? is access back end or oracle. ? r u going to use ados or some other?
as ur new better go for some concepts like 1.general controls(textbox,combobox,listbox,lable,timer and grids(mshflexigrid), if required treeview,listview,menubar, toolbar,status bar)
2. for database programming. for programming with ADOS, make sure U master in RECORDSET OBJECT,CONNECTION, AND COMMAND. thats it.
better go for help MSDN.
books r always better, but use MSDN( Spend some time on msdn for this concepts, u can use examples)

off cource MR.Mark Nemtsas. tutorial on ados is very nice. just go through it.
any how all the friend r their who will enjoy programming by providing help to others.
all the best

discribe ur project. is ur project, database project or some other? is access back end or oracle. ?


Yes...this is for a database project ( a mini project) ..back end is access...front end vb. And thanks a lot for the information.

hi u could try http://msdn.microsoft.com
i am working on a similar project and the code samples and tutorials on the site are pretty good.

SAMS Teach Yourself VB in 24hrs is OK

I agree!

Sams is really good with their "...in 24 hours" and "...in 21 days" series. Always recommended to get a good grasp on the basics of whatever you're trying to learn.

For more advanced stuff, the stuff from Microsoft Press ("Learn Visual Basic 6.0 NOW!") will often cover a bit more ground. And if you're really feeling hard-core about it, read the Programmer's Manual (Guide?) - it goes into nearly everything built into the language in almost exhaustive detail. But I always find myself in the MSDN looking for answers. The MSDN is a great reference because it brings all sorts of various sources into one, easy-to -access place. Magazine articles, white papers, technical reviews, product documentation - even a handful of complete books are available in the MSDN. So the recommendations to look there are highly favored.

If all this isn't enough for you, and you still need more information, search the web for example code. There's all kinds of sample code here on DaniWeb, and PlanetSourceCode has a large collection as well, but there are many other places which boast large archives of material.

And if you don't mind risking the filesharing pitfalls, I'm sure there are plenty of "free" ebooks which were once in hardcopy form floating around the 'web that are bound to have *something* useful in them.

In short, if you're brand new, grab a copy of Sam's Teach Yourself. If you need more, look to the 'web.

- Sendoshin

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