moh3en 0 Newbie Poster

I want get 2 variable for string 500 ( 250 for a varible and 250 for other variable)

.model small
  maxlen db 255 
  actlen db ?
  str1 db 255 dup(?)
  str2 db 255 dup(?) 
  msg1 db "Enter String 0 to 255$"
  msg2 db "Enter String 255 to 500$"

    MOV AX,@data 
    MOV ds,AX
    MOV AH,09H
    MOV Dx,Offset msg1
    INT 21h        
    call forenter1;Goto next line
    MOV ah,10
    MOV dx,offset maxlen
    INT 21h  
    MOV bl,actlen
    MOV bh,0
    MOV str1[bx],"$"
    call forenter1;Goto next line
    MOV ah,9
    MOV dx,offset msg2
    INT 21h 
    call forenter1;Goto next line   
    MOV maxlen,255
    MOV ah,10
    MOV dx,offset maxlen
    INT 21h  
    MOV bl,actlen
    MOV bh,0
    MOV str2[bx],"$"   
    call forenter1;Goto next line  
    MOV ah,9
    MOV dx,offset str1
    INT 21h
   ;call forenter1;Goto next line 
    ;MOV ah,9
   ; MOV dx,offset str2
    ;INT 21h    
    MOV ah,4ch
    INT 21h
main endp

forenter1 Proc  NEAR
    push ax
    push dx
    MOV ah,2
    MOV dl,10
    INT 21h
    MOV ah,2
    MOV dl,13
    INT 21h 
    pop dx
    pop ax
forenter1 endp    
End Main