I have to do some java project in school and my teacher said that I have to use some API for XML-parsing. So that I have to have some source XML file.

I would like to make some little game like Pacman and I want that XML file to contain my level data (for example, positions of walls, coins, starting position, etc ...).

And my question is: Is this a good organizing of source XML file or should I make it in other way (for now, that XML file contains just positions of walls in level)?

Here is my source XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Then I would use some XML parser (some tool from some Java API) and after that I loaded a level I would get something like this (now in Java code):

int walls[][] = {{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},

P.S.: "1" means that "at this position is a wall" and "0" means that "at this position is not a wall". I could use "boolean" type in place of "int" and "true/false" in place of "1/0" (which would be more intuitive and logical) but because of simplicity I used just "zeros" and "ones".


i don't think it matters greatly how you set out your XML as long as you can parse it correctly. in saying that, i would probably avoid appending the numbers on "row" / "column" and instead just use the natural ordering to produce your level layout. if you do this, it will also mean your level is not tied down to a specific size.

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