alkeshtech 0 Light Poster

Hi guys,
I am kinda confused on how to read integers from a file, named input. txt.

Here is what i have:

TITLE MASM Template						(main.asm)

fileName db "input.txt", 0dh, 0ah, 0
fileHandle	 dword	?
err_Msg BYTE "Cannot open file", 0dh, 0ah, 0

main PROC
	call Clrscr
	mov ax, seg fileName
	mov ds, ax
	mov	al, 0     
	mov	ah, 3Dh   
	lea  dx, fileName
	int	21h
	jmp	error
	mov	FileHandle, eax

	mov edx, err_Msg
        call WriteString
	call CrLf

main ENDP

END main

This is where i am right now, in opening a file, from which i will be reading integers and stroring them in variables or an array.

What am I doing wrong here?

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