Hi, I have to create a hunt the wumpus game using c++ and using the parameters that my proffesor set up, but I am really confused and I don't know where or what to start with. This are the parameters and other stuff that my proffesor gave us. (ps I cannot change this specifications).

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

/*global constants*/

const int WHUMPUS = -1;                //global named constants for legibility
const int HERO = -2;
const int SWORD = -3;
const int CAVE_SIZE = 4;
const int NORTH = 1;
const int SOUTH = 2;
const int EAST = 3;
const int WEST = 4;

/*class declarations*/

class Room                             //class room represents a room in a cave
    bool has_whumpus;                  //private variables to store who and what
    bool has_hero;                     //is in the room
    bool has_sword;
    int x_location;                    //these will be the x and y coordinates of the rooom
    int y_location;                     //in the cave array
    void set_present(int item, bool flag);   //add or remove item from the room (ie. mutator
                                             //for private bool vars)
    bool check_present(int item);             //check if item is present (ie. accessor function
                                              //for items
    bool check_door(int direction);           //check if the door in this direction leads to
                                              //a room
    void set_location(int x, int y);          //set the room's coordinates in the cave array
    Room();                                   //room constructor

class Agent                            //class agent represents a hero or the whumpus
    int type;                          //type specifies the the agent as the hero or the whumpus
    int x_location;                    //stores the array location of the agent
    int y_location;
    int get_type();                     //accessor
    void move(int direction);           //change the x and y location by moving in the
                                        //given direction
    int get_x_location();               //more accessors
    int get_y_location();
    Agent(int agent_type, int x_location, int y_location);  //constructor

/*global function*/

void output_cave(Room cave[][CAVE_SIZE]);  //code to print out the cave, don't need to change

/* Room member function definitions */
/* Implement these functions*/

void Room::set_present(int item, bool flag)
//set the bool var for item to value flag
bool Room::check_present(int item)
//return the value for item
bool Room::check_door(int direction)
//check if moving in "direction" would go out of bounds
void Room::set_location(int x, int y)
//set the x_location and y_location vars
int Agent::get_x_location()
int Agent::get_y_location() 
  x_location = 0;
  y_location = 0;
  has_whumpus = false;
  has_hero = false;
  has_sword = false;

int Agent::get_type() 
void Agent::move(int direction)
//move to a new room by changing the agents x_location and y_location
Agent::Agent(int agent_type, int x, int y)
  type = agent_type;
  x_location = x;
  y_location = y; 

void output_cave(Room cave[][CAVE_SIZE])
  for (int i = 0; i<CAVE_SIZE; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j<CAVE_SIZE; j++)
        if (cave[i][j].check_present(SWORD)) {cout<<"S";}
        else if (cave[i][j].check_present(HERO)) {cout<<"H";}
        else if (cave[i][j].check_present(WHUMPUS)) {cout<<"W";}
        else cout<<" * ";

int main()
 //initialize the cave, use an array of rooms
 //randomly place the sword, hero, and whumpus using the rand() function
 //loop untill the hero and whumpus or hero and sword are in the same room
 //need some way to keep track of if the hero has found the sword yet

Start by reading the code you've been given carefully and try to understand it (it would be too tedious to explain it here; consult your textbook). Then write a piece of the implementation (e.g., initialize the cave) and test it. Then write the next piece. Note that the cave is of type Room cave[][CAVE_SIZE] .

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