hello again everyone
to pick up where i left off, i took the advice of a member and split my poker game up into different classes which i will post below
1)i need help with two errors in the poker class which i have commented out as compiler error messages
2)is there anyway i could make these 6 classes into two classes where the base class is the card class with the other classes and the derived class is the poker class
3)can someone help me figure out how i can make the game for 2 to four players

thank you so much for your help

public class Card 
  Suit suit;   
  Rank rank; 
public Card(Suit s, Rank r) 
  	suit = s; 
  	rank = r; 
  	discarded = false;
public Card(Card c) 
  	suit = c.suit; 
  	rank = c.rank; 
  	discarded = false;
  private boolean discarded;

  public  String toString() 
    return rank.toString() +" of " 
        +  suit.toString() + " ";  

  public Suit getSuit() 
  	return suit; 
  public Rank getRank() 
  	return rank; 
  public boolean isDiscarded() 
  	return discarded; 
  public void setDiscarded(boolean value) 
  	discarded = value; 
public class Rank 
  int p;

  Rank(int i) 
  	p = i; 
  public String toString() 
    if (p > 1 && p < 11)
      return String.valueOf(p);
    else if (p == 1)
      return "Ace";
    else if (p == 11)
      return "Jack";
    else if (p == 12)
      return "Queen";
    else if (p == 13)
      return "King";
    	return "error";

  public int getValue() 
  	return p; 
public class Suit 
  public static final int CLUBS = 1;
  public static final int DIAMONDS = 2;
  public static final int HEARTS = 3;
  public static final int SPADES = 4;   
  int suitValue;    
  Suit(int i) 
  	suitValue = i; 
  public String toString() 
    switch (suitValue) 
      case CLUBS: 
      	return "Clubs";       
      case DIAMONDS: 
      	return "Diamonds";
      case HEARTS: 
      	return "Hearts";
      case SPADES: 
      	return "Spades";
      	return "error";
public class Deck //a deck of playing cards
  	Card[] deck;
  	private int cardsUsed;
	public Deck() 
      	deck = new Card[52];    
      	for (int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++)
      	  deck[i] = new Card(new Suit(i / 13 + 1),
       	  new Rank(i % 13 + 1));
   	      cardsUsed = 0;    

	public void shuffle() 
    	for (int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++)
     		int k = (int)(Math.random() * 52);
      		Card t = deck[i];     //Card t = new Card(deck[i]);
      		deck[i] = deck[k];
      		deck[k] = t;    

    	for(int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++)
   		cardsUsed = 0; 

 	public int cardsLeft() 
          // As cards are dealt from the deck, the number of cards left
          // decreases.  This function returns the number of cards that
          // are still left in the deck.
        return 52 - cardsUsed;
    public Card dealCard() 
        if (cardsUsed == 52)// Deals one card from the deck and returns it.
           shuffle();// keeps cards from repeating
        return deck[cardsUsed - 1];
  	public String toString()  
   		String t = ""; 
    	for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++)
     	 	if ( (i + 1) % 5 == 0)
          		t = t  + deck[i] + "\n";
       			t = t + deck[i];
      return t;
public class Hand 
	Card[] cards;

	public Hand()
		cards = new Card[5];

	public void setCard(int i, Card c)
		cards[i] = c;

	public String toString()
		String str = "";
		for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
			System.out.println((i+1) + " of " + cards[i]);
			/*str += "\t" + (i+1) + ": ";
			str += cards[i];*/
			if(cards[i].isDiscarded() == true)
				str += " DISCARDED";  
			str += "\n";

		return str;

	public boolean OnePair() 
		String[] values = new String[5];
		int counter = 0;	
		//Put each cards numeric value into array
		for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
			values[i] = cards[i].getRank().toString();

		//Loop through the values. Compare each value to all values
		//If exactly two matches are made - return true
		for(int row = 0; row < values.length; row++)
			for(int col  = 0; col < cards.length; col++)
				if(counter == 2)
					return true;

			counter = 0;
		return false;  
	public boolean TwoPair()
        String[] values = new String[5];
        int counter = 0;
        int sum = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
        	values[i] = cards[i].getRank().toString();

        for(int x = 0; x < values.length; x++)
           for(int y = 0; y < cards.length; y++)
           if(counter > 1)
              counter = 0;
		if(sum == 4)
           return true;

    	return false;

    public boolean ThreeOfAKind()
        String[] values = new String[5];
        int counter = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
        	values[i] = cards[i].getRank().toString();
        for(int row = 0; row < values.length; row++)//Same process as finding one pair, except return true for 3 matches
            for(int col = 0; col < cards.length; col++)
                if(counter == 3)
                    return true;

                    counter = 0;
          	return false;

	public boolean Straight()
		int[] values = new int[5];
		int pos;
		int temp;
		//Set values in array
		for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
			values[i] = cards[i].getRank().getValue();
			//If the card is an Ace
			if(values[i] == 1)
				values[i] = 14;
		//Sort Numerically
		for(int i = 1; i < values.length; i++)
			pos = i;
			while(pos != 0)
				if(values[pos] < values[pos-1])
					temp = values[pos];
					values[pos] = values[pos-1];
					values[pos-1]= temp;

		//Test for Straight
		//Each sucessive card should be +1
		for(int i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++)
			if(values[i] != values[i+1] - 1)
				return false;

		return true;
	public boolean Flush() 
		String card = cards[0].getSuit().toString();//Store the suit of the first card
		for(int i = 1; i < cards.length; i++)		//Compared every other card's suit to that one
		{											//Returns false if any suits do not match
				return false;
		return true;

	public boolean StraightFlush()
		if(Straight() == true && Flush() == true)//If theres a straight and a flush present
			return true;
			return false;

	public boolean RoyalStraightFlush()//check to see if cards are royal straight flush
		if(Flush() == false || Straight() == false)
			return false;
		int[] values = new int[5];
        int pos;
        int temp;
        for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)//Set values in array
            values[i] = cards[i].getRank().getValue();
            if(values[i] == 1)//If the card is an ace
                values[i] = 14;

        for(int i = 1; i < values.length; i++)//Sort the values numerically
            pos = i;
            while(pos != 0)
                if(values[pos] < values[pos-1])
                    temp = values[pos];
                    values[pos] = values[pos-1];
                    values[pos-1]= temp;
		if(values[0] == 10)//Royal Straight flush is a straight flush, with the lowest card being a 10
			return true;

		return false;			

	public void discardCard(int index)
		if(cards[index].isDiscarded() == false)

	public void replaceDiscarded(Deck deck)
		for(int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++)
			if(cards[i].isDiscarded() == true)
				setCard(i, deck.dealCard());
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Poker 
	private static Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
	private static Hand hand;
	private static Deck deck;

	public static void main(String[] args)
		String handValue;

		deck = new Deck();
		hand = new Hand();

		System.out.println("Let's play Poker!\n");
		int x = 0;
		while(x != -1)
			deck.shuffle(); //Shuffle deck and deal the hand
            for (int i = 0; i<5; i++)
                hand.setCard(i, deck.dealCard());

			System.out.println("Your Current Hand Is:");//Print Hand
			System.out.println("\nYour Final Hand Is:");//Show final hand
			handValue = getHandValue();//Display hand value
			System.out.println("Hand Value: " + handValue);
			//Play Again?
			System.out.println("Do you want to play again? Enter a -1 to quit or 1 to play again.");
			int x = keyboard.nextInt();	

		private static String getHandValue()//compiler error message: illegal start of expression
			if(hand.RoyalStraightFlush() == true)
				return "Royal Straight Flush";
			else if(hand.StraightFlush() == true)
				return "Straight Flush";
			else if(hand.Flush() == true)
				return "Flush";
			else if(hand.Straight() == true)
				return "Straight";
			else if(hand.ThreeOfAKind() == true)
				return "Three of a Kind";
			else if(hand.TwoPair() == true)
				return "Two Pair";
			else if(hand.OnePair() == true)
				return "One Pair";
				return "Nothing";

		private static void doDiscard()
			int discard = -1;

        	System.out.println("Enter the numbers of the cards you wish to discard.");
        	System.out.println("Entering the number of a discarded card retrieves it.");
      		System.out.println("Enter 0 to stop discarding.");

			while(discard != 0)
				discard = getDiscard();
				if(discard == 0)
				hand.discardCard(discard - 1);
				System.out.println("Select another card or 0 to complete the discard.");

		private static int getDiscard()
			String input;
			int num = -1;
			if(num < 0 || num > 5)
				System.out.println("Error: invalid number.");
			return num;
}//compiler error message: class, interface, or enum expected

Post with because the colour coding will help. At a quick glance looks like you missed the final } on the main method before starting the next method definition. (ps: getHandValue should be a method in the Hand class, don't you agree?). Please don't try to combine your classes - they are good as they are. Your program will just become harder to read and understand. To get the required class/subclass content, maybe look to separate what is Poker-specific from what would apply to any card game. Classes like Card, Deck etc are generic. It's the Hand class where Poker kicks in. Maybe have a generic Hand class that can hold cards, display them etc, and a subclass called PokerHand that adds the methods for evaluating the hand according to the rules of Poker. Similarly you could have a generic Game class that sets the number of players, deals a new deck etc, and a PokerGame subclass that adds poker-specific rules. That would be a classic OO way of doing it. For the number of players, you could use an array of 2 to 4 Hands in the Game class to hold each player's hand. Prompt for the number of players and create a array of the appropriate size. Finally (a small point), your Suit and Rank classes ideally should be enums, but if you haven't got to enums yet, don't worry.[code=java] because the colour coding will help.
At a quick glance looks like you missed the final } on the main method before starting the next method definition. (ps: getHandValue should be a method in the Hand class, don't you agree?).
Please don't try to combine your classes - they are good as they are. Your program will just become harder to read and understand.
To get the required class/subclass content, maybe look to separate what is Poker-specific from what would apply to any card game. Classes like Card, Deck etc are generic. It's the Hand class where Poker kicks in. Maybe have a generic Hand class that can hold cards, display them etc, and a subclass called PokerHand that adds the methods for evaluating the hand according to the rules of Poker. Similarly you could have a generic Game class that sets the number of players, deals a new deck etc, and a PokerGame subclass that adds poker-specific rules. That would be a classic OO way of doing it.
For the number of players, you could use an array of 2 to 4 Hands in the Game class to hold each player's hand. Prompt for the number of players and create a array of the appropriate size.
Finally (a small point), your Suit and Rank classes ideally should be enums, but if you haven't got to enums yet, don't worry.

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