bhanu1225 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hello All.

While making ".py" program to ".app", we need some steps to follow.

1. Create a file
$ py2applet --make-setup
2.Clean up your build directories
$ rm -rf build dist
3.Development with alias mode
$ python py2app -A

Running your application
1.$ ./dist/
2.$ open -a dist/
3.$ open -a Console

Building for deployment
1.$ python py2app.

By these steps, it is converting into ".app" file.
But, getting an error like this.

empdeptbkup Error

empdeptbkup Error
An unexpected error has occured during execution of the main script.

OSError:[Errno 20]Not a directory:'/Applications/py2app-0.3.6/py2app/dist/'.

Help me for get off this error.