I am making a rpg type game. I have stored values inside of an array of class via a textfile. That's all I have done so far... What I need now and have not figured out yet is how to move from one array to the next using my "character".
class program
static void Main(string[] args)
TextReader reader = new StreamReader("H:/Visual Studio 2005/Projects/Pokemon Purple/Pokemon Purple/bin/Debug/enemies.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
location board = new location();
board.name = reader.ReadLine();
board.healthpoints = reader.ReadLine();
board.attack = reader.ReadLine();
board.defense = reader.ReadLine();
board.poketype = reader.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("{0}", board.name);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", board.healthpoints);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", board.attack);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", board.defense);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", board.poketype);
public class location
public string name, poketype, healthpoints, attack, defense;