I wrote a code to get factorial for a number uptil 100. The problem i have is that i have to display the array it is sstored in a single output. So i cant use for statement and print each element.

using namespace std;

int main()
  int array[200];
  int count;//keepas count of the number of digits.
  int temp;//store the carry over.
  int t; // no of cases
  int num; //stores the fact.
  int i,j,k;
  int x;
      count= 1;

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>I wrote a code to get factorial for a number uptil 100.
If you even can't print out the result, how can you be sure then that your code is working?

i just edited my post. The program is working properly but i want to output all the values together and not using for statement.
I am submitting to a online judge so should ouput it in one go

i just edited my post. The program is working properly but i want to output all the values together and not using for statement.
I am submitting to a online judge so should ouput it in one go

Well, use a while loop then :)
You can let your while loop do the same as a for loop:

A for-loop in general looks like this:

for( [B]PART A[/B]; [B]PART B[/B]; [B]PART C[/B] )
    // Your code

You can easily make your while loop behaving in the same way by putting the parts in another order:

while( [B]PART B[/B] )
    // Your code
    [B]PART C[/B]


Since you don't know how many factorials there are then use an empty array of N / 2, thus 100 / 2 = 50. Most of it will be wasted but that's fine. Alternatively you'd have to use a dynamic array like an inch worm. Preset a size, fill one cell at a time, when full, allocate a new array with a size increase, copy the contents over, destroy the old array, continue. Just N/2 is much easier.

FactAry[ 100/2 + 1 ]
nFactIndex = 0;

FactAry[ nFactIndex++ ] = 1; // Seed the 1st factorial

Then work your way up! As you find your factorial...
FactAry[ nFactIndex++ ] = MyNewFactorial;

If you're given 100 as the number, why are you taking input? Is the 100 suppose to be manually entered? If so then dynamically allocate the array instead of hard coding N/2 like I mentioned earlier in this post!

I'm guessing your assignment was to collect all the factorials in an array, and then call a function passing the array and number of factorials in it, and print them out!

My problem is to output the array single time. If i use a for or a while loop ,each array element is outputted sperately. I want to output all the necessary elements together.

My problem is to output the array single time. If i use a for or a while loop ,each array element is outputted sperately. I want to output all the necessary elements together.

Oh sorry, I guess I misunderstood your question.
I understand it now, you could for example use a string and a stringstream to achieve that.

You're doing factorials or you're factoring? I'm seeing you use the modulus operator on 10, which suggests you're trying to isolate digits? 200! is way too big for an integer, so I assume you're doing something with arrays to bump up your storage or something, and doing manual multiplication through arrays. Is that the idea? Each array value s a single digit?

how do i use a string stream. I dunno how to use it

Thats exactly what i am trying to do

Oh sorry, I guess I misunderstood your question.
I understand it now, you could for example use a string and a stringstream to achieve that.

No matter what, you're going to need a loop. You can use a loop to CREATE the string, then output the string (no loop), or you can output the data one digit at a time using a loop. Six of one, half dozen of the other as far as I can see. Both work just fine.

commented: Yes, my intention was that he would use a loop :) +12

BTW, 100! is


There is no fundamental integral datatype in C++ which can store this.

Good catch.

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