CRP 0 Newbie Poster

Hello again. I'm dealing with the same problem I was dealing the other day, and although I have found a couple of decent solutions I would like to know if there is a better one.

Therefore this message regards the exact same problem mentioned in the other thread by me ("doubt about compiling") but since I'm trying a new approach and since a long while has passed without help, I feel it is fully justified to open a new thread.

That new approach is telling you how you can help me instead of telling the particular problem which was too concrete for someone to know (apparently).

Hence, these are the ways you can help me, if you wish to.

1) Telling me how to overcome the 64KB RAM limit GW-BASIC has, if there is such a way.

2) Knowing how to make the QBASIC "/ah" parameter work when compiling a GW-BASIC program. To me the compiler tells that "h" is an invalid command.

3) Getting the QBASIC "/ah" parameter to work with a GW-BASIC program. That is to say, if you write a GW-BASIC program (10 print 3+2:end would be enough, or any other gwbasic program found at internet), compile it with a QBASIC compiler adding the /ah parameter and it shows no error message, please tell me how you did it.

That's it. If you can do 1,2 or 3, my problem is completely solved. Otherwise it also is, but quite painfully.

Thanks in advance again.

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