Hi Friends,

I am facing a probelm. The moment I complete a program i C (version 3), it complies successfully. However, the moment I try to run the program it says a Linker error.
I have tried to sort this out through Option-Linker, but in vain. I really need you help. Thanks in advance!

What do you mean by version 3 C? There are only 2 versions made by ANSI/ISO; C89 and C99.

Anyway's, what compiler and operating system are you using? What is the exact error message? Does it do this for all code, or only some specific code? If the former, you'll need to post your code.

Good luck :)

What do you mean by version 3 C? There are only 2 versions made by ANSI/ISO; C89 and C99.

I guess he's using Turbo Crap v3.0 :P

Hi Friends,
I am facing a probelm. The moment I complete a program i C (version 3), it complies successfully. However, the moment I try to run the program it says a Linker error.

Could you provide us:

  • The program which you did try to compile.
  • The complete linker error message.
commented: The "I've got a secret error message and I'm not telling you" award. +36
commented: Salem that's not really a secret message. If you want to send him a secret message PM him. But I'm intrigued now, what was your secret message? +23
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