I am a noob and would like to write a program that will take user input for a server name, plug that server name into a drive mapping statement, check for certain files in the mapped dir, and copy files to a backup location. I don't know where to start and any help the be greatly appreciated. I would like it to be a C++ prog to run on a DOS 6.22 PC on a netware 3.11 network, if that makes any difference.

so... are you having problems writing the code? design problems?? give us something to help you with.

I am having problems with writing the code. I just started learning c++ and don't know enough to get started.

I am having problems with writing the code. I just started learning c++ and don't know enough to get started.

Well, the best solution I have for you is to start learning. There are plenty of links here to get you started, for example the books thread at the top will help you find a good book to start learning.

It's either that or hire someone to write it for you...

OK, thanks for the help

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