Hi folks
I have just completed my first programme with help from yourselves.
I cant understand why the code , if x ==1 or 2, wouldn't work in my programme below
# Convert C to F or F to C and return with result
select = True
while select:
x = int(raw_input ('To convert Celsius to Farenheit, enter 1\nTo convert Farenheit to Celsius, enter 2\n'))
if x == 1 or x == 2:
select = False
print 'Only options are 1 or 2'
#Convert C to F
if x == 1:
def Tc_to_Tf ():
Tc = input ("What is the Celsius Temperature ? " )
Tf = 9.0/5.0 * Tc + 32
return Tf
Tf = Tc_to_Tf ()
#.2f instructs Python that placeholder holds float number with 2decimal places.
print 'The temperature is %.2f Degrees Fahrenheit' %(Tf, )
#Convert F to C
if x == 2:
def Tf_to_Tc ():
Tf = input ("What is the Fahrenheit Temperature ? " )
Tc = (5.0/9.0)*(Tf - 32)
return Tc
Tc = Tf_to_Tc ()
print 'The temperature is %.2f Degrees Celsius' %(Tc, )
Many thanks in anticipation. I included the whole programme as I would value any comments on my methods.