00000000 54 6d 6c 6a 5a 53 42 7a 64 47 46 79 64 43 34 67 |TmljZSBzdGFydC4g|
00000010 49 46 4e 31 63 6d 55 67 61 47 39 77 5a 53 42 35 |IFN1cmUgaG9wZSB5|
00000020 62 33 55 67 64 47 68 70 62 6d 73 67 61 58 51 67 |b3UgdGhpbmsgaXQg|
00000030 64 32 46 7a 49 48 4e 30 64 58 42 70 5a 43 42 7a |d2FzIHN0dXBpZCBz|
00000040 61 57 31 77 62 47 55 75 49 41 6f 4b 55 32 56 75 |aW1wbGUuIAoKU2Vu|
00000050 5a 43 42 68 62 69 42 6c 4c 57 31 68 61 57 77 67 |ZCBhbiBlLW1haWwg|
00000060 64 47 38 67 5a 6d 39 76 51 47 4e 6f 59 57 78 73 |dG8gZm9vQGNoYWxs|
00000070 5a 57 35 6e 5a 53 34 77 65 44 51 78 4e 44 45 30 |ZW5nZS4weDQxNDE0|
00000080 4d 54 51 78 4c 6d 4e 76 62 53 34 67 51 53 42 79 |MTQxLmNvbS4gQSBy|
00000090 5a 58 42 73 65 53 42 33 61 57 78 73 49 47 4a 6c |ZXBseSB3aWxsIGJl|
000000a0 49 48 4e 6c 62 6e 51 67 64 47 38 67 64 47 68 6c |IHNlbnQgdG8gdGhl|
000000b0 49 48 4a 6c 63 47 78 35 4c 58 52 76 49 47 46 6b |IHJlcGx5LXRvIGFk|
000000c0 5a 48 4a 6c 63 33 4d 67 59 32 39 75 64 47 46 70 |ZHJlc3MgY29udGFp|
000000d0 62 6d 6c 75 5a 79 42 30 61 47 55 67 56 56 4a 4d |bmluZyB0aGUgVVJM|
000000e0 49 47 39 6d 49 48 52 6f 5a 53 42 7a 5a 57 4e 76 |IG9mIHRoZSBzZWNv|
000000f0 62 6d 51 67 64 47 46 7a 61 79 34 4b |bmQgdGFzay4K|

This is dump I found and I was wondering what it said.
If anyone could help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.

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All 3 Replies

Maybe it's base-64 encoded. Try assuming that and decoding it.

I just looked at the first few bytes .... "In: TmljZSBzdGFydC4gIFN1cmUgaG9wZSB5b3UgdGhpbmsgaXQgd2FzIHN0dXBpZCBzaW1wbGUuIAoK
Out: Nice start. Sure hope you think it was stupid simple. "

What you're looking at is 64 byte encoding.

Nice start. Sure hope you think it was stupid simple. Send an e-mail to SNIP A reply will be sent to the reply-to address containing the URL of the second task.

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