I am converting an MASM procedure to MIPS.
Here's the MASM:

; --------------------------------------------------------
;  Find basic list stats - minimum, median, and maximum.

;  Arguments passed:
;	list, addr (4)
;	length, value (6)
;	minimum, addr (8)
;	maximum, addr (10)
;	median, addr (12)

stats1	proc	near
	pop	bp
	mov	bp, sp

	push 	ax
	push 	bx
	push 	cx
	push	dx

; -----
; Find max.

	mov	bx, word ptr 4[bp]
	mov	ax, word ptr [bx]
	push	bx
	mov	bx, word ptr 10[bp]
	mov	word ptr [bx], ax

; -----
; Find min.

	mov	ax, word ptr 6[bp]
	dec	ax
	add	ax, ax
	pop	bx

	add 	bx, ax
	mov	ax, word ptr [bx]
	mov	bx, word ptr 8[bp]
	mov	word ptr [si], ax

; -----
; Find median.

	mov  	bx, word ptr 4[bp] 
	mov  	cx, word ptr 6[bp]   
	mov  	si, cx

	mov	ax, si
	and	ax, 1
	cmp	ax, 0
	je	even_lp

	dec	si
	mov	ax, word ptr [bx][si]
	jmp	odd_lp
; -----
; Length is even.

	mov	ax, word ptr [bx][si]
	sub	si, 2
	add	ax, word ptr [bx][si]
	mov	dx, 0
	div wtwo

; -----
; Length is odd.

	mov  	bx, word ptr 12[bp] 
	mov	word ptr [bx], ax

	pop 	dx
	pop 	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
	pop	bp

	ret	10

stats1	endp

Now here's my conversion to MIPS:

# -----
#    Arguments:
#	$a0 - starting address of the list
#	$a1 - list length
#	$a2 - addr of minimum
#	$a3 - addr of median
#	($fp) - addr of maximum
#	4($fp) - addr of sum
#	8($fp) - addr of average
.globl stats
.ent stats

	subu	$sp, $sp, 12
	sw	$s0, 0($sp)
	sw	$fp, 4($sp)
	sw	$ra, 8($sp)
	addu	$fp, $sp, 12	
# -----
# Find min.

	lw	$t0, ($a0)
	sw	$t0, ($a2)			#minimum, first element of array
# -----
#Find max.

	subu	$t0, $a1, 1
	mul	$t0, $t0, 4
	addu	$t0, $t0, $a0
	lw	$t1, ($t0)
	sw	$t1, ($fp)			#maximum, last element of array

# -----
# Find median.

	lw	$t0, ($a0)
	move	$t1, $a1
	andi	$t2, $t1, 1
	beq	$t2, $zero, even_lp

	subu	$t1, $a1, 1
	mul	$t1, $t1, 4
	addu	$t1, $t1, $a0
	lw	$t2, ($t1)
	b	odd_lp

	mul	$t3, $t1, 4
	addu	$t3, $t3, $a0
	lw	$t4, ($t3)
	subu	$t1, $t1, 1
	mul	$t5, $t1, 4
	addu	$t5, $t5, $a0
	lw	$t6, ($t5)
	addu	$t6, $t6, $t4
	div	$t6, $t6, 2

	sw	$t2, ($a2)			#median

sw	$ra, 8($sp)
	sw	$fp, 4($fp)
	sw	$s0, 0($sp)
	addu	$sp, $sp, 12
	jr	$ra

.end stats

Now I don't know why the console displays arithmetic overflow.
What am I doing wrong?

And why are you storing your return address into your address of average?

Also in odd_lp you're storing the list entry to the minimum $a2 not the median $a3 as your comment says

[B]	sw	$t2, ($a2)		   Save minimum   	#median

	sw	$ra, 8($sp)        Save return address?[/B]

	sw	$fp, 4($fp)
	sw	$s0, 0($sp)
	addu	$sp, $sp, 12
	jr	$ra

You know the 80x86 code has a bug?

You should have displayed the C equivalent function. Finding someone knowing both 80x86 and MIPS can be difficult.

OH, this is assembly language. Almost every line of code needs documentation. At a minimum every sub block. Detailing what data is being accessed!

On the PC you are using an array of 16-bit numbers?
And on the MIPS an array of 32-bit numbers?

If int list[] was used on both platforms then the memory access is correct. If not then a problem as the following discusses.

If the data on the MIPS is 16-bit then you need to manipulate the load. That is load 32-bit and shift the number into position (high/Low) Load, or you'll get an alignment error.

If the data on MIPS is 16-bit then you are running off the end of the list, thus bad data.

Since the 80x86 version didn't overflow I'm assuming your numbers are small values. But on the MIPS if 16-bit then you're reading pairs of numbers which appear to be a very large number thus easy to overflow. You are using lw meaning load word and a word is 32-bit.

80x86          MIPS
          byte             byte             8-bit
          word            half-word     16-bit
          dword          word            32-bit
          qword          dword          64-bit

You are scanning the list backwards which isn't memory efficient, however, you don't need to keep doing your pointer math. Merely set your pointer to your list[] entry, then either step backwards by (4 if 32-bit) until the pointer reaches the advancing pointerl. (Beginning of buffer). Or use your length count as a down count by two, and step the two pointers toward each other. When count reaches one or zero you've finish parsing the list. Better yet, pre-subtract one so when the count reaches zero or negative then you're done.

Also why are you dividing by two, when you merely need to do a logical shift right by 1.

I'll keep looking for your problem! But that should be something to double-check, as well as comment in your code!

BTW - In the 80x86 code they could have used a scalar with the register for the memory access and saved some operands.

And where is your loop for all list elements? It seems to only be looking at the last two!

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