I want to make my characters move in realtime with NO pre-existing animation. The characters will move according to what is in front of them or if a enemy enters, etc. Are there any examples of this?


Be forewarned. If there's no pre-existing animation, it's going to take tons of coding. It's inefficient, but possible. But no, I don't have any examples.

My character will be interactive so if it is moving along then a user of my sim calls in a predator how can a pre-existing animation work?


My character will be interactive so if it is moving along then a user of my sim calls in a predator how can a pre-existing animation work?


Um, I don't know if you're asking me something or telling me something. But by the way, is this gong to be 3D, or 2D.

I was asking you. it will be 3d I should also tell you that i am using the blender game engine, which makes it easy and fun to develop. I know you don't have any examples but someone must know how. i am new to python only a few days now, ( i was learnig c++ for a few years) python is so much better. I really need something to look at so i can continue my project. I even e-mailed Guido himself and he just told me to ask pygame ( i have not yet, i though they were 2d )


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