i hav installed Turbo C++ 3.0 on my pc and whenever i dbl click on TC.exe
the screen turns black and after 2-3 secs the screen becomes normal
i mean the compiler doesnt start same happens with borland 5.5 C++
pls help me as i hav no s/w on which i can practice my programs n in 5 days i hav practical exam in college

can anyone help
is there ny fault with my pc or something else
reply asap
wat should i do now

What happens when you run the TC command from the command-line?

Can you install the Visual C++ Express as an alternative?

I had a problem like this and I found that this was due to the antivirus program which I have

If you need Microsoft Visual C++ 6, I can send u
I think it is the best compiler

Good luck

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