Hey guys. I am trying to print different messages in dependency of what char you press. In my case i use, F1,F2,F3, escape.

The problem is that the first message is printed again after a char input is read, which it shouldn't!

This is my code, please tell me where i'm wrong:

TITLE	ep2_5
        .STACK    10h
        	msg	DB 'Apasati o tasta F*:'
		msg_l	equ	$-msg
        	f1	DB 'Ati apasat tasta F1',13,10
		f1_l	equ	$-f1

        	f2	DB 'Ati apasat tasta F2',13,10
		f2_l	equ	$-f2

        	f3	DB 'Ati apasat tasta F3',13,10
		f3_l	equ	$-f3

        	error	 DB 'Nu ati apasat o tasta valida! Incercati din nou',13,10
		error_l	equ	$-error
        	begin:   mov	ax,@DATA
                mov	ds,ax
	loop1:	;Print msg
		mov  bx, 1
		mov  cx, msg_l
		mov  dx, offset msg
		mov  ah, 40h
		int  21h
				;looping to get caracters
	waitk:	;getChar
		mov ah, 06h ;
		mov dx, 0ffh
		int 21h ;
		jz waitk
		cmp al,59
		je	_f1
		cmp al,60
		je	_f2
		cmp al,61
		je	_f3
		cmp al, 27
		je	bail		
		jmp loop1
	_f1:	;Print f1
		mov  bx, 1
		mov  cx, f1_l
		mov  dx, offset f1
		mov  ah, 40h
		int  21h
		jmp loop1
	_f2:	;Print f2
		mov  bx, 1
		mov  cx, f2_l
		mov  dx, offset f2
		mov  ah, 40h
		int  21h
 	        jmp loop1
	_f3:	;Print f3
		mov  bx, 1
		mov  cx, f3_l
		mov  dx, offset f3
		mov  ah, 40h
		int  21h
		jmp loop1

	bail:	;bail out
		mov	ax,4c00h	
	        int	21h	
                END	begin

I'm using tasm. Screenshot included.

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Evrika! You helped me.

i wrote (modified to)

waitk:	;getChar
		mov ah, 06h ;
		mov dx, 0ffh
		int 21h ;
		jz waitk
		cmp al,0
		jne not_extended
		mov ah, 06h ;
		mov dx, 0ffh
		int 21h ;

		cmp al,59
		je	_f1

And now it works.
What was the problem/solution:

If you press a key that has an extended code rather than an ASCII code, MS-DOS returns two keycodes. On the first call MS-DOS returns a zero value. This tells you that you must call the get character routine again. The code MS-DOS returns on the second call is the extended key code.

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