Can anyone suggest books that can help a first time C++ student. ;)

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Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo. The Design and Evolution of C++ and The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup are also books you'll want to have on your shelf if you plan to really learn C++ and not just get through a few classes. :) Note that these are just starters. There are other books a serious C++ite will want to have and study regularly such as The C++ Standard Library by Nicolai Josuttis, C++ Templates by Nicolai Josuttis and David Vandevoorde, Generic Programming and the STL by Matthew Austern, Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL by Scott Meyers, anything by Herb Sutter, C++ IOstreams and Locales by Anjelika Langer and Klaus Kreft, the C++ standard itself, and about a dozen other texts that are interesting, but not must-have's.

:confused: Could you please let me know if I wrote the enumeration defintion & the struct of the deck of cards:

enum card suit (clubs, diamond, heart, spades)

struct card


Card suit suit;

int face value;


Class Deck



deck ( );

void shuffle ( );

int num have been dealt ( ) const;

card deal a card ( );


card the cards [52];

card dealt cards [52];

int num dealt;


deck: deck ( )


for (int i=0; i<13; i ++)


the cards . suit=club;

the cards . face value= i + 1;


[Repeat for all suits]

My deck:: deck ( )


card next card= the cards [num dealt];

dealt cards [num dealt]= next card;

num dealt ++

return next card;


int main ( )

Could you please let me know if I wrote the enumeration defintion & the struct of the deck of cards:

enum card suit (clubs, diamond, heart, spades)

struct card


Card suit suit;

int face value;


Class Deck



deck ( );

void shuffle ( );

int num have been dealt ( ) const;

card deal a card ( );


card the cards [52];

card dealt cards [52];

int num dealt;


deck: deck ( )


for (int i=0; i<13; i ++)


the cards . suit=club;

the cards . face value= i + 1;


[Repeat for all suits]

My deck:: deck ( )


card next card= the cards [num dealt];

dealt cards [num dealt]= next card;

num dealt ++

return next card;


int main ( )

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