If you want to keep your brain thinking got a program that is fun to write. Winner gets prize uf done correctly.

Description: Design and implement an application that creates a histogram that allows you to visually inspect the frequency distribution of a set of values. The program should read in an arbitrary number of integers that are in the range 1 – 100 inclusive, then produce a chart similar to the one below that indicates how many input values fell in the range of 1 to 10, 11 – 20, and so on. Print one asterisk for each value entered. After the histogram has been displayed, allow the user to clear the screen and create another one as many times as he wishes.

1 – 10 | **************************
11 – 20 | ***
21 – 30 |******
31 – 40 |**
41 – 50 |*
51 – 60 |
61 – 70 |************************************
71 – 80 |***
81 – 90 |****************
91 – 100 | **

Hummm -- asking us to do your homework???

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