Hi, I'm new to this site and also to c++. I am currently in the process of learning c++ and would like the ability to read certain portions of a windows-based registry hive. I have found the source code for and compiled a working program that outputs all values within a specified registry file. What I am looking for is to limit the output to find one certain value within the key located in the registry hive file. I thought this would be as simple of a task as adding an if() to check if the key/values match the ones that i want before outputting.

(eg. Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductId)

Here is the source code of the original program:

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

struct offsets { 
    long  block_size;
    char  block_type[2]; // "lf" "il" "ri"
    short count;   
    long  first; 
    long  hash; 

struct key_block  { 
    long  block_size;
    char  block_type[2]; // "nk"
    char  dummya[18];
    int   subkey_count;
    char  dummyb[4];
    int   subkeys;
    char  dummyc[4];
    int   value_count;
    int   offsets;
    char  dummyd[28];
    short len;
    short du;
    char  name; 

struct value_block {
    long  block_size;
    char  block_type[2]; // "vk"
    short name_len;
    long  size;
    long  offset;
    long  value_type;
    short flags;
    short dummy;
    char  name; 

void walk ( char* path,   key_block* key ) {
    static  char* root=(char*)key-0x20, *full=path;
    // add current key name to printed path
    memcpy(path++,"/",2); memcpy(path,&key->name,key->len); path+=key->len;

    // print all contained values
    for(int o=0;o<key->value_count;o++){ // 
        value_block* val = (value_block*)(((int*)(key->offsets+root+4))[o]+root); 

        // we skip nodes without values
        if(!val->offset)  continue;
        // data are usually in separate blocks without types
        char* data = root+val->offset+4;
        // but for small values MS added optimization where 
        // if bit 31 is set data are contained wihin the key itself to save space
        if(val->size&1<<31) {
              data = (char*)&val->offset;
        // notice that we use memcopy for key/value names everywhere instead of strcat
        // reason is that malware/wiruses often write non nulterminated strings to
        // hide from win32 api
        *path='/'; if(!val->name_len) *path=' '; 
        memcpy(path+1,&val->name,val->name_len); path[val->name_len+1]=0;

        printf("%s [%d] = ",full,val->value_type);
        for(int i=0;i<(val->size&0xffff);i++) {
            // print types 1 and 7 as unicode strings  
            if(val->value_type==1||val->value_type==7) {
                if(data[i]) putchar(data[i]);
            // and rest dump as binary data         
            } else {
    // for simplicity we can imagine keys as directories in filesystem and values
    // as files.
    // and since we already dumped values for this dir we will now iterate 
    // thru subdirectories in the same way

    offsets* item = (offsets*)(root+key->subkeys);
    for(int i=0;i<item->count;i++){
        // in case of too many subkeys this list contain just other lists
        offsets* subitem = (offsets*)((&item->first)[i]+root);

        // usual directory traversal  
        if(item->block_type[1]=='f'||item->block_type[1]=='h') {
            // for now we skip hash codes (used by regedit for faster search)
        } else for(int j=0;j<subitem->count;j++) {
            // also ms had chosen to skip hashes altogether in this case 

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    char path[0x1000]={0}, *data; FILE* f; int size;
    if(argc<2||!(f=fopen(argv[1],"rb"))) return printf("hive path err");
    if(!(size=ftell(f))) return printf("empty file");
    rewind(f); data=(char*)malloc(size); 

    // we just skip 1k header and start walking root key tree
    return 0;

I thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

actually after testing the program its giving errors with the source code i put up.. i must have forgot to change something back when i was working on it. i will try to find what went wrong and will post back with the better code.. srry about that

actually after testing the program its giving errors with the source code i put up.. i must have forgot to change something back when i was working on it. i will try to find what went wrong and will post back with the better code.. srry about that

k i found the original site that i found the code on, the link is here

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