
I want to edit a record inside a txt file. So first a search for the record inside the file and display the record to the user. But for example, if the user want to edit the name, how I can go to that position?

void editar_cliente()
 int Cli_num = 0, seleccion = 0, pointer_Pos;
 string Cli_nombre, Cli_apellido, Cli_dirr, dummy, file_record, Num_client_edit, file_record_num;
 double Cli_total_compras = 0.0, Cli_balance = 0.0;        
 ifstream readFile;
 readFile.open("Tbl_cliente.txt", ios::in); // open a file for input
 cout << "Please enter the number of the client you want to edit: ";
 cin >> Num_client_edit;
 if (!readFile.fail())
 { // if began
        while(getline(readFile, file_record, '#'))
        { // while began
            cout << file_record_num;
            if (Num_client_edit == file_record)
                getline(readFile, Cli_nombre, '#');
                getline(readFile, Cli_apellido, '#');
                getline(readFile, Cli_dirr, '#');
                readFile >> Cli_total_compras;
           // else
             //   cout << "Cliente #: " << Num_client_edit << " no se ecuentra" << endl;
        } // while end
 } // if end
     cerr << "Error Opening File!\a" << endl;

 cout << "\n1. Client Name: " << Cli_nombre << endl;
 cout << "2. Last Name     : " << Cli_apellido << endl;
 cout << "3. Address: " << Cli_dirr << endl;        
 cout << "4. Total Purchases : " << Cli_balance << endl;
 cout << "5. Balance       : " << Cli_total_compras << endl;

 cout << "\nWhich field you want to edit?: ";
 cin >> seleccion;
 ofstream file;
 file.open("Tbl_cliente.txt", fstream::out); 
 if (seleccion == 1)
      cout << "Enter the new name: ";

The Tbl_cliente.txt looks like:

1#Juan#Martinez#PO Box 356#0#0#
2#Pedro#Perez#PO Box 32480#0#

Any input would be appreciate.

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I want to edit a record inside a txt file. So first a search for the record inside the file and display the record to the user. But for example, if the user want to edit the name, how I can go to that position?

void editar_cliente()
 int Cli_num = 0, seleccion = 0, pointer_Pos;
 string Cli_nombre, Cli_apellido, Cli_dirr, dummy, file_record, Num_client_edit, file_record_num;
 double Cli_total_compras = 0.0, Cli_balance = 0.0;        
 ifstream readFile;
 readFile.open("Tbl_cliente.txt", ios::in); // open a file for input
 cout << "Please enter the number of the client you want to edit: ";
 cin >> Num_client_edit;
 if (!readFile.fail())
 { // if began
        while(getline(readFile, file_record, '#'))
        { // while began
            cout << file_record_num;
            if (Num_client_edit == file_record)
                getline(readFile, Cli_nombre, '#');
                getline(readFile, Cli_apellido, '#');
                getline(readFile, Cli_dirr, '#');
                readFile >> Cli_total_compras;
           // else
             //   cout << "Cliente #: " << Num_client_edit << " no se ecuentra" << endl;
        } // while end
 } // if end
     cerr << "Error Opening File!\a" << endl;

 cout << "\n1. Client Name: " << Cli_nombre << endl;
 cout << "2. Last Name     : " << Cli_apellido << endl;
 cout << "3. Address: " << Cli_dirr << endl;        
 cout << "4. Total Purchases : " << Cli_balance << endl;
 cout << "5. Balance       : " << Cli_total_compras << endl;

 cout << "\nWhich field you want to edit?: ";
 cin >> seleccion;
 ofstream file;
 file.open("Tbl_cliente.txt", fstream::out); 
 if (seleccion == 1)
      cout << "Enter the new name: ";

The Tbl_cliente.txt looks like:

1#Juan#Martinez#PO Box 356#0#0#
2#Pedro#Perez#PO Box 32480#0#

Any input would be appreciate.

OK to be more specific, I already know the number of the that I want to update, lets say is line number 5. How I move the pointer to that line so I can proceed doing the update?

Depends what you want to do when the edit has been completed. If you want to write corrected information back to file then you need to write the whole file into your program, edit the record, then rewrite the whole file back to file. IF the edit takes up exactly the same memory as the original, then you can just write the edit to the file (it isn't quite as straightforward as it sounds, though it is doable), but that doesn't seem likely in many instances of needing to edit in your program.

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