Hi! to everyone
I'm starting out in programming,I need a pseudocode or flowcharting to use to help me get started on coding. Often, when I take a look at a coding assignment, it looks daunting, and it's hard to figure out exactly where to start. Especially with all of that specific code syntax.I need a Pseudocode that will let me focus on the algorithm - the problem solving technique - without letting the actual code syntax get in the way.For the following program that I want to design

Daily Life Magazine wants an analysis of the demographic characteristics of its readers. The Marketing department has collected reader survey records in the following format:

Not sorted
Age 1-3 Numeric 0 38
Gender 4 Character F
Marital status 5 Character M
Annual income 6–11 Numeric 0 45000
Can you help me with the pseudocode for the program that would produce a count of readers by age groups as follows: under 20, 20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, and 50 and older. Print appropriate headings.
I will be grateful if you can help here.

Eager StudentC

Rule 5. Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming.

Have you begun to set up a data type? (And you may want to mention the language -- C or C++.)

C#,C OR C++, But I need a pseudocode not you do the coding for me or flowchart.Yes I have begun it.Eager Student

Yes I have begun it.

Then can you post the code of your data structure?

Lisen friend
I'm starting out in programming,I need a pseudocode or flowcharting to use to help me get started on coding. Often, when I take a look at a coding assignment, it looks daunting, and it's hard to figure out exactly where to start. Especially with all of that specific code syntax.I need a Pseudocode that will let me focus on the algorithm - the problem solving technique - without letting the actual code syntax get in the way.

Look, I'm trying to help, and I don't really care for your attitude either. I've told you the best place to start and you refuse to acknowledge it. Building on that, I'd come up with this "pseudocode" (but I don't think in psuedocode because I find that the C languages are wonderful design tools and skip the middleman approach).

void count_by_age_group(struct record* data, int count)
   int range[5] = {0};
   while ( count-- )
      if ( data->age < 20 )
      else if ( data->age < 30 )
      else if ( data->age < 40 )
      else if ( data->age < 50 )

I ain't gonna get all graphical with some silly flowchart when it would essentially say the same thing as this: loop through the data and bump a counter for age ranges -- kinda like the assignment says.

[Don't take this as an insult, I think we've both been rubbed the wrong way.]

Thank you Dave, I highly appreciate your help here man.I have a clear shout now.

Look, I'm trying to help, and I don't really care for your attitude either. I've told you the best place to start and you refuse to acknowledge it. Building on that, I'd come up with this "pseudocode" (but I don't think in psuedocode because I find that the C languages are wonderful design tools and skip the middleman approach).

void count_by_age_group(struct record* data, int count)
   int range[5] = {0};
   while ( count-- )
      if ( data->age < 20 )
      else if ( data->age < 30 )
      else if ( data->age < 40 )
      else if ( data->age < 50 )

I ain't gonna get all graphical with some silly flowchart when it would essentially say the same thing as this: loop through the data and bump a counter for age ranges -- kinda like the assignment says.

[Don't take this as an insult, I think we've both been rubbed the wrong way.]

Hi Eager,

I can't understand from your question how the output should be organized. I will help you with a function that reads records from file using your format and stores them in a vector. You can use this vector to play with the data.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

struct Record
int  age;		// Pos 1-3
char gender;        // Pos 4
char marital;        // Pos 5
int  income;         // Pos 6-11

void ReadInfo(vector<Record> &oPopulation)
             	ifstream infile;
	string aRow;
	while (infile >> aRow)
	Record sRec; // example 012MS000120

	string szAge	= aRow.substr(0, 3);
	sRec.age		= atoi(szAge.c_str());
	sRec.gender	= aRow[3];
	sRec.marital	= aRow[4];
	string szIncome	= aRow.substr(5, 6);
	sRec.income	= atoi(szIncome.c_str());



<< moderator edit: added [code][/code] tags >>

Thank you very much. I'm about finish this code.I highly appreciate your help

can you help me to use a flowchart and pseudocode that the output is the sum of the first 10 number the output is 55
flowchart example:

int num1 ans
input num1;

in a,b=3,c=4;
output "what is the output";
b<=c, ----> a=c b=3 * c, output a,c,
a=c, b=3*c, output a, end

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