Hello all,

what is the difference between


please with examples... I didn't understand manipulationg pointers very well
help asap


Write some test programs then.

Hi .. I did tests .. actually too many to the point that I got so confuzed :S

int a[2] = { 0, 0 };
int *p = a;
printf( "p=%p, loc1=%d, loc2=%d\n", (void*)p, a[0], a[1] );

hehehe what are all those modulouses :D
>>am not familiar with printf ..

thanks for replying ^^

how can I not confuze myself .. what is the best way to understanding pointers

and the ways to manipulating them as in the first post ?

how can I not confuze myself .. what is the best way to understanding pointers

and the ways to manipulating them as in the first post ?

Here is a tutorial by DaWei over on ProgrammingForum.org.

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