phil750 19 Junior Poster in Training

I have code that outputs data as so

Input file name: file.txt 
Input text:
Process id 1, Quantum No 2, Priority 0
Process id 2, Quantum No 3, Priority 1
Process id 3, Quantum No 3, Priority 0
Process id 4, Quantum No 1, Priority 2

Start of processing --->
Process id 1  -> Quantum No: 0 Quantum left: 2 -> Quantum Total:2 -> Priority:0 -> Total time:0
Process id 1--> wt is 0
Process id 1  -> Quantum No: 1 Quantum left: 1 -> Quantum Total:2 -> Priority:0 -> Total time:1
Process id 1  -> Quantum No: 2 Quantum left: 0 -> Quantum Total:2 -> Priority:0 -> Total time:2
Process id 1--> trt is 2

Process id 3  -> Quantum No: 0 Quantum left: 3 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:0 -> Total time:3
Process id 3--> wt is 3
Process id 3  -> Quantum No: 1 Quantum left: 2 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:0 -> Total time:4
Process id 3  -> Quantum No: 2 Quantum left: 1 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:0 -> Total time:5
Process id 3  -> Quantum No: 3 Quantum left: 0 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:0 -> Total time:6
Process id 3--> trt is 6

Process id 2  -> Quantum No: 0 Quantum left: 3 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:1 -> Total time:7
Process id 2--> wt is 7
Process id 2  -> Quantum No: 1 Quantum left: 2 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:1 -> Total time:8
Process id 2  -> Quantum No: 2 Quantum left: 1 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:1 -> Total time:9
Process id 2  -> Quantum No: 3 Quantum left: 0 -> Quantum Total:3 -> Priority:1 -> Total time:10
Process id 2--> trt is 10

Process id 4  -> Quantum No: 0 Quantum left: 1 -> Quantum Total:1 -> Priority:2 -> Total time:11
Process id 4--> wt is 11
Process id 4  -> Quantum No: 1 Quantum left: 0 -> Quantum Total:1 -> Priority:2 -> Total time:12
Process id 4--> trt is 12

Total time taken: 13

wt total =21
trt total =30

Average Wait time = 5.0000  
Average Turn around time = 7.0000

It sorts out the prioritys into ques 0 highest, 20 lowest
What i want it to do is instead of printing out the data from the que
in a fcfs basis (e.g. making it pure priority)
to print out in a round rob basis (e.g. making it priority ques)

so my output data would turn from (for just priority 0)

processid1 priority 0
processid1 priority 0
processid1 priority 0

processid3 priority 0
processid3 priority 0
processid3 priority 0

would become

process id1 priority 0
processid3 priority 0
process id1 priority 0
processid3 priority 0
process id1 priority 0
processid3 priority 0

Here is my code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct assign //array struct for assigning ints from txt
int ProcessID;
int Quantum;
int Priority;

struct average // struct for trt and wt
int b; // for wt
int g; // for trt

int compare(const void *a, const void *b) // for qsort
   const struct assign *x = a, *y = b;
   if ( x->Priority < y->Priority )
      return -1;
   if ( x->Priority > y->Priority )
      return  1;
   if ( x->Quantum  < y->Quantum )
      return -1;
   if ( x->Quantum  > y->Quantum )
      return  1;
   return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char filename[256]; //array to store filename in
	strcpy(filename, argv[1]); //copies the filename the user entered to filename
	FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); // opens and reads file
	struct assign array[50]; // sets struct assign to a array named array
	struct average Average[50]; // sets struct average to a array named Average
	int count = 0; // used moving through struct array when assigning
	int i; // moving through struct array when printfing
	int x; // current quantum 
	int z; // amount quantum left
	int c; // total amount of time taken
	int q; // total amount of processes
	int wt; // wait time
	int trt; // turn around time
	float avwt; // average wait time
	float avtrt; // average turn around time
	int w; // for moving through arrays b and g

	if ( file )
     	char line[20];
     	while ( fgets(line, sizeof line, file) &&
              count < sizeof array / sizeof *array ) // reads file line time
          	if ( sscanf(line, "Process%d %d %d",
                     &array[count].Priority) == 3 )  // assigns value to array struct assign
     	perror(filename); // error message

	printf("Input file name: %s \nInput text:\n",filename); // for user, makes easier to read
	for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
     	printf("Process id %d, Quantum No %d, Priority %d\n",
             array[i].ProcessID, array[i].Quantum, array[i].Priority);  // prints out all the values in the text
	printf("\nStart of processing --->\n"); // for user, makes easier to read
	for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
		qsort(array, count, sizeof *array, compare); //sorts out the priority in order
			for (x = 0; x <= array[i].Quantum; ++x)
     			z = (array[i].Quantum - x); // works out amount of quantum left
				printf("Process id %d  -> Quantum No: %d Quantum left: %d -> Quantum Total:%d -> Priority:%d -> Total time:%d\n",array[i].ProcessID,x,z,array[i].Quantum,array[i].Priority,c); // prints out the number of times the quatunum is
				c++; // counts amount times run through loop for total time taken
						while( x == array[i].Quantum) // while quantum total is = total quantum number
							printf("Process id %d--> trt is %d\n",array[i].ProcessID,c-1);	
							Average[w].g = c-1;
							trt = trt + Average[w].g ; // + whatever in struct array to trt
						while ( x == 0) // while x is = to 0 do i.e the end of that process id
							printf("Process id %d--> wt is %d\n",array[i].ProcessID,c-1);
							Average[w].b = c-1;
							wt = wt + Average[w].b;  // + whatever in struct array to wt
			q = i+1; // total number of processes

		printf("\n");		// prints new line, makes easier to read
			printf("\nTotal time taken: %d\n\n",c); // the amount of total time taken to process all

			printf("\nwt total =%d\n",wt); // prints total of array for wt
			avwt = (wt/q); // divides wt by total number of processes
			avtrt = (trt/q); // divides trt by total number of processes
			printf("trt total =%d\n\n",trt); // prints total of array for trt

			printf("Average Wait time = %-8.4f\n",avwt); // prints out the average waiting time (Not working)
			printf("Average Turn around time = %-8.4f\n\n",avtrt); // prints out the average turn around time (Not working)
	fclose(file); // closes file
	return 0; // returns 0 to end program

I am thinking maybe adding another for loop beneath the others or something like that

anyone have ideas????

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