Ok so a little bit of background, I am trying to write a boggle solver, I had everything working until I tried to implement a Binary Search Tree for storing the words found on the board, when I tried to do this I got the following errors:

Error 1 error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'foundWord' line 24
Error 2 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int line 24
Error 3 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int line 24


#pragma once

using namespace std;

class boggle
	struct Piece
		char letter;
		bool isUsed;
	Piece boggleBoard[3][3];
	HashTable WordListHT; //Calls HashTable
	string soFar;
	BST foundWord; // Creating a Binary Search tree for any found words	


	void LoadWordList(string name);
	void CreateBoard();
	void PrintBoard();
	void WordSearch();
	void WordSearch(int i, int j); // overloaded function for recursive call during search

copy of BST.h

#pragma once

using namespace std;

class BST
	struct Node
		string element;
		Node* left;
		Node* right;

	Node* root;

	void Insert(string data);
	void PreOrder();
	void PreOrder(Node* n);

and just to make sure I'm not missing anything stupid

#include "BST.h"

	root = 0;

void BST::Insert(string data)
	Node* n = new Node;
	n->element = data;
	n->left = 0;
	n->right = 0;
	// Special case if root == 0
	if(root == 0)
		root = n;
	// Creating a new node for insertion

	//Create tmp to traverse nodes
	Node* tmp = root;
	// Use a while loop to determine where the node is inserted
	while(tmp) // While tmp has some value besides NULL(0)
		// if data less then tmp->element then go left
		if(data < tmp->element)
			// if tmp->right == 0 then insert here
			if(tmp->left == 0)
				tmp->left = n;
			// else procede to next node
				tmp = tmp->left;
		// else go left
			// if tmp->right == 0 then insert here
			if(tmp->right == 0)
				tmp->right = n;
			// else procede to next node
				tmp = tmp->right;

The Binary Search Tree was originally intended to take ints, but for this project need it to take strings.

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Just to check, what happens when you comment out line 24?

Just to check, what happens when you comment out line 24?

long and short answer

when I comment out BST foundWord; the compiler errors out on my function call line in Boggle.cpp, comment out that line and it runs with no errors

snippet of code from Boggle.cpp

void boggle::WordSearch(int i, int j)
		soFar += boggleBoard[i][j].letter;
		boggleBoard[i][j].isUsed = true;
			cout << soFar << ", ";
		if (!WordListHT.FindPartial(soFar))
			soFar = soFar.substr(0, soFar.size() - 1); // might be length instead of size
			boggleBoard[i][j].isUsed = false;

Found the error...

Had to remove #include"boggle.h" from BST.h

now on to other issues, thanks for looking

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