I have function in my program calls a class which opens a new window

class TopLevel3:
     def __init__(self):
        self.root2 = Toplevel()
        self.canvas3 = Canvas(self.root2, width=400, height=200)
        r = 0
        for c in range(6):
            Label(relief=RIDGE,  width=55).grid(row=r, column=0)
            Entry(relief=SUNKEN, width=20).grid(row=r, column=1)
            Button(text='View Image').grid(row=r, column=2)
            Button(text='Update Tag').grid(row=r, column=3)
            r = r+1

This is called by a function in another class:

def img_db(self):

But instead of the labels & buttons appearing in the new child window they appear in the parent window itself.
(Image attached)
Where am I going wrong?

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You got to let Python know where you want to create the Tkinter widgets. By default it's the MainWindow root. Change your code like this ...

from Tkinter import *

class TopLevel3:
     def __init__(self):
        self.root2 = Toplevel()
        # lift root2 over MainWindow root1
        self.canvas3 = Canvas(self.root2, width=400, height=200)
        # easier parent name
        cv = self.canvas3
        r = 0
        for c in range(6):
            # make canavas the parent here
            Label(cv, relief=RIDGE,  width=55).grid(row=r, column=0)
            Entry(cv, relief=SUNKEN, width=20).grid(row=r, column=1)
            Button(cv, text='View Image').grid(row=r, column=2)
            Button(cv, text='Update Tag').grid(row=r, column=3)
            r = r+1

class MainWindow:
    """class for testing"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.root1 = Tk()
    def img_db(self):

mw = MainWindow()

Again, I would import with a namespace.

Thank you, I got it now
I can see you have used .lift method .. I tend to overlook minute details like this while coding... :D

And I didn't import with a namespace as this code is a part of a bigger code and I'd to make changes everywhere then..

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