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OK, So this has been driving me crazy over the last few weeks, All I need to do is edit a file so that it runs without showing any windows (I.E Runs in background) The window is created by means of Delphi, (So WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW Won't work)

The only way to do this is to edit the showwindow API call in assembly, However I can't really get too much information, I've found the appropriate Call however after editing it, It does run but after a second or so the process then exits, But it does run at least, And without any windows, So were semi there.

Here's the troublesome address, If anyone wants to help and needs the actual file PM me.

0048B933   > 8B45 FC          MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4]
0048B936   . 0FB680 2B02000>      MOVZX EAX,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+22B]
0048B93D   . 8B0485 14B3490>      MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4+49B314]
0048B944   . 50                             PUSH EAX
0048B945   . 8B45 FC                   MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4]
0048B948   . E8 17AAFEFF           CALL 0048B94E.00476364
0048B94D   . 50                            PUSH EAX                                 ; |hWnd
0048B94E   . E8 09BFF7FF           CALL <JMP.&user32.ShowWindow>            ; \ShowWindow

I edit the


line to


And that's when I get the exiting process. The file isn't mine and their fore I do not have the source code.

Thanks Bye!

If you don't want a window, why are you creating one?

As i said in the first post, The file isn't made by me, So I have to figure out how to hide or remove the window, So the file does run in the background. but without showing you anything.

Are you taking into account that your two MOV EAX instructions are different lengths?

Does that code go on to save the return result of ShowWindow somewhere for later checking?

Are you taking into account that your two MOV EAX instructions are different lengths?

Does that code go on to save the return result of ShowWindow somewhere for later checking?

Ouch! I'm at the beginer level on Assembly, Could you explain how to do that?

Heres a ASM text dump if needed. http://www.sendspace.com/file/lyoh6t

commented: No ones going to run your remote admin tool. +0

Can anyone explain what to do in more detail?

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