
I've got a Blackjack-program that I want to split into classes (Card.h and Deck.h) and have a menu, like this:

1. Play again
2. Show status (Gains / losses for the player / house)
3. Exit

The program works fine, I just need a class-based solution.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

void Shuffle(bool baCardsDealt[]);
void PrintCard(int iCard);
void PrintHand(int iaHand[], const int kiCardCount);
int GetNextCard(bool baCardsDealt[]);
int ScoreHand(int iaHand[], const int kiCardCount);
void PrintScoresAndHands(int iaHouseHand[], const int kiHouseCardCount, int iaPlayerHand[], const int kiPlayerCardCount);

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	// Seed the random number generator
	time_t qTime;

	bool baCardsDealt[52];
	int iHouseCardCount = 0;
	int iaHouseHand[12];
	int iPlayerCardCount = 0;
	int iaPlayerHand[12];

	// Loop once for each hand
	while (true) {
		// "Shuffle" the cards; set them all to undealt
		// Deal the hands. Get two cards for each
		iaPlayerHand[0]		= GetNextCard(baCardsDealt);
		iaHouseHand[0]		= GetNextCard(baCardsDealt);
		iaPlayerHand[1]		= GetNextCard(baCardsDealt);
		iaHouseHand[1]		= GetNextCard(baCardsDealt);
		iHouseCardCount		= 2;
		iPlayerCardCount	= 2;

		// Signal a new hand.
		cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "-----------------------New Hand-------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

		char cPlayerChoice;
		bool bPlayerHits	= true;
		int iPlayerScore	= ScoreHand(iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);
		// Get Player's hits. Calculate the score and redisplay after each hit.
		do {
			// Print the dealt cards, but only the House's second card.
			cout << "House's Hand" << endl;
			cout << "** ";
			cout << endl;
			cout << "Player's Hand: Score = " << ScoreHand(iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount) << endl;
			PrintHand(iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);

			// Ask the Player whether he wants a hit or to stay
			cout << "Hit(h) or stay(s): ";
			cin >> cPlayerChoice;
			if (cPlayerChoice == 'h') {
				iaPlayerHand[iPlayerCardCount] = GetNextCard(baCardsDealt);
			} else if (cPlayerChoice == 's') {
				bPlayerHits = false;
			} else {
				cout << "Error: Try Again!" << endl;
			cout << endl;
			// Get the Player's current score to update and check for bust.
			iPlayerScore	= ScoreHand(iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);
		} while (bPlayerHits && iPlayerScore < 22);

		// Once the player is done taking hits, check whether he busted
		if (iPlayerScore > 21) {
			// The Player busted. The House wins.
			cout << "**** The House Wins!!! ****" << endl;
			PrintScoresAndHands(iaHouseHand, iHouseCardCount, iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);
		} else {
			// If the player didn't bust, then the house takes hits below 17
			int iHouseScore		= ScoreHand(iaHouseHand, iHouseCardCount);
			while (iHouseScore < 17) {
				iaHouseHand[iHouseCardCount] = GetNextCard(baCardsDealt);
				iHouseScore		= ScoreHand(iaHouseHand, iHouseCardCount);
			bool bHouseBusts	= (iHouseScore > 21);
			if (bHouseBusts) {
				// The House busted. Player wins
				cout << "**** The Player Wins!!! ****" << endl;
				PrintScoresAndHands(iaHouseHand, iHouseCardCount, iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);
			} else {
				// Compare scores and determine the winner
				if (iPlayerScore == iHouseScore) {
					// Tie. This is called a "push."
					cout << "**** Tie!!! ****" << endl;
					PrintScoresAndHands(iaHouseHand, iHouseCardCount, iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);
				} else if (iPlayerScore > iHouseScore) {
					// The Player wins
					cout << "**** The Player Wins!!! ****" << endl;
					PrintScoresAndHands(iaHouseHand, iHouseCardCount, iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);
				} else {
					// The House wins
					cout << "**** The House Wins!!! ****" << endl;
					PrintScoresAndHands(iaHouseHand, iHouseCardCount, iaPlayerHand, iPlayerCardCount);

void Shuffle(bool baCardsDealt[]) {
	for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 52; ++iIndex) {
		baCardsDealt[iIndex] = false;

void PrintCard(int iCard) {
	using namespace std;
	// Print Rank
	const int kiRank = (iCard % 13);
	if (kiRank == 0) {
		cout << 'A';
	} else if (kiRank < 9) {
		cout << (kiRank + 1);
	} else if (kiRank == 9) {
		cout << 'T';
	} else if (kiRank == 10) {
		cout << 'J';
	} else if (kiRank == 11) {
		cout << 'Q';
	} else {
		cout << 'K';
	// Print Suit
	const int kiSuit = (iCard/13);
	if (kiSuit == 0) {
		cout << 'C';
	} else if (kiSuit == 1) {
		cout << 'D';
	} else if (kiSuit == 2) {
		cout << 'H';
	} else {
		cout << 'S';

void PrintHand(int iaHand[], const int kiCardCount) {
	using namespace std;
	for (int iCardIndex = 0; iCardIndex < kiCardCount; ++iCardIndex) {
		const int kiNextCard = iaHand[iCardIndex];
		cout << " ";
	cout << endl;

int GetNextCard(bool baCardsDealt[]) {
	bool bCardDealt	= true;
	int iNewCard	= -1;
	do {
		iNewCard = (rand() % 52);
		if (!baCardsDealt[iNewCard]) {
			bCardDealt = false;
	} while (bCardDealt);
	return iNewCard;

int ScoreHand(int iaHand[], const int kiCardCount) {
	int iAceCount	= 0;
	int iScore		= 0;
	for (int iCardIndex = 0; iCardIndex < kiCardCount; ++iCardIndex) {
		const int kiNextCard = iaHand[iCardIndex];
		const int kiRank = (kiNextCard % 13);
		if (kiRank == 0) {
		} else if (kiRank < 9) {
			iScore = iScore + (kiRank + 1);
		} else {
			iScore = iScore + 10;
	while (iAceCount > 0 && iScore < 12) {
		iScore = iScore + 10;
	return iScore;

void PrintScoresAndHands(int iaHouseHand[], const int kiHouseCardCount, int iaPlayerHand[], const int kiPlayerCardCount) {
	using namespace std;
	cout << "House's Hand: Score = " << ScoreHand(iaHouseHand, kiHouseCardCount) << endl;
	PrintHand(iaHouseHand, kiHouseCardCount);
	cout << "Player's Hand: Score = " << ScoreHand(iaPlayerHand, kiPlayerCardCount) << endl;
	PrintHand(iaPlayerHand, kiPlayerCardCount);
	cout << endl;

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