hi every one
I really need help with this and how to do it
=The motel has 12 rooms numbered 1 to 12, and each handles a maximum of 4 guests. Assume all rooms begin empty. Provide a user-friendly interactive menu that allows the following transactions:

B – Book room(s) – Prompt the user for the number of guests needing a room. Find the first (lowest number) empty room and store the number of guests for that room. If the number of guests is greater than the room maximum, book as many rooms as necessary. Display a confirmation message with the room number(s), or an error message if there are not enough empty rooms.

C – Checkout – Prompt the user for a room number. If valid, set the number of room guests back to zero and display a confirmation; otherwise display an error message.

S – Summary report – Display the room number and number of guests for ONLY the rooms that are currently booked.

Q – Quit the program.

Display an error message if an invalid menu option is entered. You may assume that the user does enter an integer number when prompted for a room number. Your program must use an array of objects to store the number of guests per room using the room number for the subscript. Except for the summary report, NO input/output is allowed inside the class functions. Your project must also include three separate files: a header file, an implementation file, and a driver/main file.

Your project must also include three separate files: a header file, an implementation file, and a driver/main file.

As mentioned in the problem statement, it is your project. So you should be doing it yourself and approaching us for any issues that you face in the project.

Try implementing it and post any issues that you face.

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