dre-logics -1 Junior Poster

I use
Visual Basic 8.0
Zebra GX430t TT label printer
ZebraDesigner which I use defined the barcode label ,called barcodelabel.lbl
SDK for Zebra

I have a simple question.
Can I use the same code as shown below to print defined Zebra label (barcodelabel.lbl) to a Zebra printer?

What should I change this code to pull it off?

Dim myDymo As Object
    Dim myLabel As Object
    Dim sPrinters As String
    Dim arrPrinters() As String
    Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, iStart As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    Set myDymo = CreateObject("Dymo.DymoAddIn")
    Set myLabel = CreateObject("Dymo.DymoLabels")
    If (myDymo Is Nothing) Or (myLabel Is Nothing) Then
        MsgBox "Unable to create OLE objects"
        Exit Sub
    End If
      sPrinters = myDymo.GetDymoPrinters()
    If sPrinters = "" Then
        Exit Sub
        i2 = 0
        iStart = 1
        For i = 1 To Len(sPrinters)
            If Mid(sPrinters, i, 1) = "|" Then
                i2 = i2 + 1
                ReDim Preserve arrPrinters(i2 + 1)
                arrPrinters(i2) = Mid(sPrinters, iStart, i - iStart)
                iStart = i + 1
            End If
        Next i
    End If
      sDefaultPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter
    With myDymo
         .SelectPrinter arrPrinters(0)
    End With
    'Open the label template
    myLabel = myDymo.Open("C:\SomeFolder\test.LWL")
 'Give text objects OText1 and OText2 on the label a value        myLabel
   myLabel .SetField( "OText1", "123456")
   myLabel.SetField ("OText2", "artcile x")
   'Print the label
    'Make sure the default printer is selected again
    Application.ActivePrinter = sDefaultPrinter
    'Clean up
    Set myLabel = Nothing
    Set myDymo = Nothing