Is there a way to store multiple values to a key without using any extra modules?

Here is the code I have so far:

$key = $ref->{$uniqueKey};
my $systemKey = GetSystem($key);
push @{$referenceTable{$key}},  $systemKey;

my ($k, @v);
print "<table border='1'>";
print "<th>User</th><th>System</th>";

while (($k, @v) = each(%referenceTable)){
     print "<tr><td>".$k."</td>";
     print "<td>";
     foreach (@v) {
        print STDERR "$_\n";
     print "</td></tr>";

The values I have for $key/$systemKey are correct, but then when I push $systemKey into an array I am unable to print it properly in my table. If I do a foreach (@v) or just a print "@v", it prints ARRAY(0x86901ac) and not its actual contents...

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You can always use an array reference, in curly braces, in place of the name of an array. For example, "@{$aref}" instead of @array. (from perlreftut)

Declare $v as a scalar variable to contain a reference to an array where you can store multiple values.

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $key = 'B-flat';
my $systemKey = 'F-sharp';
my %referenceTable;

push @{$referenceTable{$key}},  $systemKey;
push @{$referenceTable{$key}},  'Another key';
push @{$referenceTable{$key}},  'Key Largo Florida';

my ($k, $v); #Not @v -- $v will contain string that will be a reference to an array

while (($k, $v) = each(%referenceTable)){
     print "Hash key is $k \n";
     print "Values stored in the dereferenced array are: \n ";
     foreach (@{$v}) { #Using an array reference as an array see perlreftut
        print "$_\n";

Thank you!! That worked perfectly.

What if you were not hard coding the push of a value into an array for a given key... Do you know how you would loop through a hash to keep searching for a different value for the same key if the key is already defined with a given value?

I have a table with multiple values per key for some entries, but they are all in distinct rows and am stumped at how to make my search keep searching if a key/value pair is already defined...

Sorry to pester, but I appreciate your help!

Declare $v as a scalar variable to contain a reference to an array where you can store multiple values.

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $key = 'B-flat';
my $systemKey = 'F-sharp';
my %referenceTable;

push @{$referenceTable{$key}},  $systemKey;
push @{$referenceTable{$key}},  'Another key';
push @{$referenceTable{$key}},  'Key Largo Florida';

my ($k, $v); #Not @v -- $v will contain string that will be a reference to an array

while (($k, $v) = each(%referenceTable)){
     print "Hash key is $k \n";
     print "Values stored in the dereferenced array are: \n ";
     foreach (@{$v}) { #Using an array reference as an array see perlreftut
        print "$_\n";

Thank you!! That worked perfectly.

What if you were not hard coding the push of a value into an array for a given key... Do you know how you would loop through a hash to keep searching for a different value for the same key if the key is already defined with a given value?

I have a table with multiple values per key for some entries, but they are all in distinct rows and am stumped at how to make my search keep searching if a key/value pair is already defined...

Sorry to pester, but I appreciate your help!

As long as you don't need to preserve the order in which these multiple values are saved, it seems to me that a hash within a hash would serve you better than an array within a hash because hash keys are always unique. You wouldn't need to check if a key already exists before adding it, because there is no value paired with it so adding the key more than once just overwrites the key with no loss of information.

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $key = 'B-flat';
my $systemKey = 'F-sharp';
my $referenceTable;
# @values_to_store contains values to save in the hash for B-flat.
# Note that the element 'Another key' will be added to the hash twice.
# THIS SHOULDN'T MATTER because the duplicate key will overwrite itself.
my @values_to_store = ($systemKey, 'Another key', 'Key Largo Florida', 'Another key');

foreach (@values_to_store) {
   undef $referenceTable->{$key}->{$_}; #Add unique hash key with no assigned value (undef)

my ($k, $v); # $v will contain string that will be a reference to a hash

while (($k, $v) = each(%{$referenceTable})) {
     print "Hash key is $k \n";
     print "Values stored in the hash for $k are:\n";
     foreach (keys %{$v}) { 
        print "$_\n";
     print "\n"
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