Hey guys i need a bit of help in getting my answer correct. Basically , im trying to get my answer to 2 decimal places when i divide one number by another...

int main(){
int Totalgpa = 46;
int e = 13;

int SemesterGpa = Totalgpa / e ;

   cout << SemesterGpa << endl;

The answer i would get will just be 3 as it will round off the answer.

So i tried another method i read from here

int main () {
int Totalgpa = 46;
int e = 13;

double SemesterGpa = double Totalgpa / e ;

   cout << SemesterGpa << endl;

The answer i would get will just be 3.5384615348.......

How can i modify my coding in order for the answer to just be 3.54 ( to 2 decimal places only).

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You could mess around with scaling your integers so that you only produce the required number of decimal places or you could just use the io manipulators from <iomanip> to format the output of the double value to only show 2 decimal places cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << SemesterGpa << endl; .

personally in this case I would probably do the second.

Integers don't have decilam places. You'd need to convert the variables to double.

include Iomanip and use cout << fixed << setprecision(2)

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