Hey guys. I wanted to know if someone can tell me what's wrong with my code. I got it to work, to a point. It shows all the months, however, when a user inputs the month/number it ends. Which it needs to playback the month... Example: 2 = March

Here's the code

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MonthDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
      // Use the no-arg constructor.
      Month object1 = new Month();
      System.out.println("Month " + object1.getMonthNumber() +
                         " = " + object1);
	  Month object2 = new Month(2);
	  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
         System.out.println("Month " + object2.getMonthNumber() +
                         " name is " + object2);
		String mName;
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
		Month object5 = new Month("January");
		System.out.println("Enter a month name: ");
		mName = keyboard.nextLine();

And the other part...

   Month</strong> <strong class="highlight">Class</strong>
   Chapter</strong> <strong class="highlight">9</strong>, <strong class="highlight">Programming</strong> <strong class="highlight">Challenge</strong> 6

public class Month
   private int monthNumber;

      The No-arg constructor initializes the object to
      <strong class="highlight">month</strong> #1.

   public Month()
      monthNumber = 1;

      @param m The <strong class="highlight">month</strong> number to initialize the object to.

   public Month(int m)
      if (m < 1 || m > 12)
         monthNumber = 1;
         monthNumber = m;

      @param name The name of the <strong class="highlight">month</strong> to initialize the object to.

   public Month(String name)
      if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("january"))
         monthNumber = 1;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("february"))
         monthNumber = 2;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("march"))
         monthNumber = 3;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("april"))
         monthNumber = 4;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("may"))
         monthNumber = 5;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("june"))
         monthNumber = 6;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("july"))
         monthNumber = 7;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("august"))
         monthNumber = 8;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("september"))
         monthNumber = 9;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("october"))
         monthNumber = 10;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("november"))
         monthNumber = 11;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("december"))
         monthNumber = 12;
         monthNumber = 1;

      The setMonthNumber method sets the <strong class="highlight">month</strong>.
      @param m The number of the <strong class="highlight">month</strong>.

   public void setMonthNumber(int m)
      if (m < 1 || m > 12)
         monthNumber = 1;
         monthNumber = m;

      The getMonthNumber method gets the <strong class="highlight">month</strong> number.
      @return The number of the <strong class="highlight">month</strong>.

   public int getMonthNumber()
      return monthNumber;

      The getMonthName method gets the name of the <strong class="highlight">month</strong>.
      @return The name of the <strong class="highlight">month</strong>.

   public String getMonthName()
      String name;
      switch (monthNumber)
         case 1:  name = "January";
         case 2:  name = "February";
         case 3:  name = "March";
         case 4:  name = "April";
         case 5:  name = "May";
         case 6:  name = "June";
         case 7:  name = "July";
         case 8:  name = "August";
         case 9:  name = "September";
         case 10: name = "October";
         case 11: name = "November";
         case 12: name = "December";
         default: name = "Unknown";
      return name;

      toString method
      @return A reference to a String representation of
              the object.
   public String toString()
      return getMonthName();
      equals method
      @param month2 Another <strong class="highlight">Month</strong> object.
      @return true if the two <strong class="highlight">Month</strong> objects contain
              the same <strong class="highlight">month</strong>, false otherwise.
   public boolean equals(Month month2)
      boolean status;
      if (month2.getMonthNumber() == monthNumber)
         status = true;
         status = false;
      return status;

      greaterThan method
      @param month2 Another <strong class="highlight">Month</strong> object.
      @return true if the calling objects is greater
              than the argument, false otherwise.
   public boolean greaterThan(Month month2)
      boolean status;
      if (monthNumber > month2.getMonthNumber())
         status = true;
         status = false;
      return status;
      lessThan method
      @param month2 Another <strong class="highlight">Month</strong> object.
      @return true if the calling objects is less
              than the argument, false otherwise.
   public boolean lessThan(Month month2)
      boolean status;
      if (monthNumber < month2.getMonthNumber())
         status = true;
         status = false;
      return status;

Recommended Answers

All 4 Replies

Line 25: System.out.println(object5.mName()); , I doubt that the Month class has a method mName() .
What errors do you get and what are you trying to do?

Line 25: System.out.println(object5.mName()); , I doubt that the Month class has a method mName() .
What errors do you get and what are you trying to do?

Trying to get it where the user inputs either a number, or the month. And it will show both the month and the number... I tried to take out the mName thing... but it only shows all the months and numbers... then lets the user input, then it cancels for some reason.

Any help?

Your main should look like:

public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Use the no-arg constructor.
        Month object1 = new Month();
        System.out.println("Month " + object1.getMonthNumber()
                + " = " + object1);
        Month object2 = new Month(2);
        for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
            System.out.println("Month " + object2.getMonthNumber()
                    + " name is " + object2);

        System.out.println("Enter a month name/Number or Q to quitte: ");
        Month object5;

        while (true) {
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
            int intMonth;
            String strMonth = keyboard.next();
            if (strMonth.equals("Q")) {
            try {
                intMonth = Integer.parseInt(strMonth);
                object5 = new Month(intMonth);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                object5 = new Month(strMonth);



This will retrives the month name if you type a number and the month number if you type a month name and will exit if you type "Q".
Hope it helps

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