I am learning multi-threaded programming.
I have written the following code to synchronize access to a common array by two different threads. One thread to fill values in the array while the other one reads values from that array.
The array is placed as member of a class and access to that array is provided via two member functions FillArray and ReadArray
The program displays error during run time.

I am unable to find out what is wrong with the following code while using CSingleLock object.
The same code appears to work fine when I use CCriticalSection object.
Someone please help me.



#include <afxwin.h>
#include <afxmt.h>


#ifndef SZ_ARRAY
#define SZ_ARRAY (100)

class T_ThSafeArray
for(int i=0; i< SZ_ARRAY; i++)


void FillArray(char arrVal[]); //*** Copies szElements no of elements from arrVal to Array
void ReadArray(char arrVal[]); //*** Reads from Array

// data
char Array[SZ_ARRAY];

// Synchronization objects
CCriticalSection cs;
CSingleLock SingleLock;


#include "threadsafearray.h"


void T_ThSafeArray::FillArray(char arFillVal[])
SingleLock.Lock(); // cs.Lock();

printf("\n Locked resources from fill array");

for(int i=0; i< SZ_ARRAY; i++)
Array[i] = arFillVal[i];

SingleLock.Unlock(); // cs.Unlock();
printf("\n Released resources from fill array");
printf("\n No lock formed, reporting from fill array");

void T_ThSafeArray::ReadArray(char arCopiedVal[])
SingleLock.Lock(); // cs.Lock();
printf("\n Locked resources from Read array");
for(int i=0; i< SZ_ARRAY; i++)
arCopiedVal[i] = Array[i];
SingleLock.Unlock(); // cs.Unlock();
printf("\n Released resources from Read array");
printf("\n No lock formed reporting from Read array");



// mt_mfc.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
const int ITER_MAX = 2;//000;

UINT __cdecl consumer(void * pArgs)
T_ThSafeArray &a = *((T_ThSafeArray*)pArgs);
char arOfValues[SZ_ARRAY];

int iter_count = 0;
for(; iter_count < ITER_MAX; iter_count++)
for(int i= 0; i< SZ_ARRAY; i++)
// printf("\n%d", arOfValues[i]);
printf("Read Array had been called %d times",iter_count);
return 0;

UINT __cdecl producer(void * pArgs)
T_ThSafeArray &a = *((T_ThSafeArray*) pArgs);

char arOfValues[SZ_ARRAY];

int iter_count = 0;
for(; iter_count < ITER_MAX; iter_count++)
for(int i= 0; i< SZ_ARRAY; i++)
arOfValues[i]= i;
printf("Fill Array had been called %d times",iter_count);
return 0;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
T_ThSafeArray a1, a2;
HANDLE hThread[2];

CWinThread* pThread1 = AfxBeginThread (consumer, LPVOID(&a1));
CWinThread* pThread2 = AfxBeginThread (producer, LPVOID(&a1));

if(pThread2 == NULL)
printf("\nError while creating the thread that producer that inturn uses mem func FILL ARRAY");

hThread[0]= pThread1->m_hThread;
hThread[1]= pThread2->m_hThread;

// WaitForSingleObject(hThread[0], INFINITE);
// WaitForSingleObject(hThread[1], INFINITE);

WaitForMultipleObjects(2, hThread, TRUE, INFINITE);
printf("\nSome Exception has occured");

return 0;

IMHO ditch that crappy CSingleLock class and use CriticalSection since it works for you the way you want it to.

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