what comand is used for printing a text ??

OpenGL programing ..

with GL in front ..

IF ( something is set )
bla bla bla
bla bla bla
print text ( what is the comand )
same here ??
GL_printtext .. or something ??

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All 2 Replies

opengl does not have anything for printing a text. If you are using glut. Then
you can use glutBitmapCharacter function. If not, then there are plenty of libs that
prints fancy texts for you. Go ahead and google it.

and can you help me with tihs

void HangMan::Crtki(){
            	int n,n2;
            	char neno[2];
            	GLfloat pom=155;
            	GLfloat pom1=155;
            	n = wordtobeguessed.length();
            	n2 = wordtobeguessed.length();
            	PrintText(100, 10, "ZBOR: ");
            	for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            		if(wordtobeguessed[i]==' '){PrintText(pom, 10, " ");}
            			PrintText(pom, 10, "_");}
            		for(int j=0; j<n2; j++){
            					n= toupper(neno[0]);

            					PrintText(pom, 13, neno);break;

error c2109 subscript requires array or pointer type

im geting that

on n=pom[j];

line 17 and 18

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